Success StoryChristmas Around The World
Christmas Around The World
Author: Lora Stewart
Planning Unit: Gallatin County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Communications and Expressive Arts
Outcome: Initial Outcome
According to the U.S. Department of Education International Strategy Report (2012- 2016), in order for youth to succeed in the 21st century workplace, they must develop knowledge and understanding of other countries, cultures, languages and perspectives. In December, Gallatin County 4-H collaborated with the Gallatin County Lower and Upper Elementary Schools to provide enrichment lessons on how families celebrated Christmas Around The World. We explored traditions, holidays, locations, and the culture of various countries by reading books, discussing, and making holiday crafts. To further review what they had learned, we hosted a Christmas Around the World event in collaboration with the Family Resource Center. Several teachers and teen leaders had 15 different displays of different countries. Approximately 100 children came to “visit” the various countries. Some stations had traditional food from their country, some had a craft from the country, and one taught children how to play “Silent Night” using hand bells. Because of this program, children have a better understanding of several different countries, their cultures and traditions.
Stories by Lora Stewart

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Stories by Gallatin County CES

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