Success StoryStaying Active with Walktober
Staying Active with Walktober
Author: Lynnette Allen
Planning Unit: Breckinridge County CES
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Plan of Work: Improving community wellness through nutrition, physical activity and safety
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Many Breckinridge County Families struggle to maintain a healthy weight and the incidence of diabetes continues to go up. To help promote physical activity and mental well-being, the Breckinridge County FCS program offered the Walktober walking challenge. Families were challenged to get outside and enjoy the fall season while staying active. During the registration process individuals had the opportunity to set a personal goal relating to physical and mental wellness. Walktober ran during the month of October 2021. Thirty-two participants registered for the program and 22 completed the program by tracking activity and turning in steps, with 12 tracking all 5 weeks. Sixteen post surveys were completed with 75% setting the goal of being more active. More than 50% of the reported reaching their goal of being more active. Survey comments included, “Walktober helps keep me motivated.” Also, the suggestion for future challenges included forming a walking group. Each participant received an incentive bag with nutrition and wellness publications and Plate It Up Recipes Also Walktober t-shirts were shared to promote the program and the Cooperative Extension Service. The Walktober challenge served as support to keep participants active into the harvest season.
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