Success StoryField to Fork
Field to Fork
Author: Lacey Kessell
Planning Unit: Boone County CES
Major Program: Cook Wild Kentucky
Plan of Work: Environmental Awareness, Improvements and Education
Outcome: Initial Outcome
According to Kentucky Fish and Wildlife's Kentucky Deer Report, there is over 933,000 deer in the state of Kentucky. Boone County has some of the highest densities of deer in the state and hunters are able to take as many antlerless deer as needed with 1,827 deer being harvested within the county in 2020.
In order to promote sustainable populations of deer and healthy living for local families, Boone County Extension partnered with KY Fish and Wildlife to present a 3-part Field to Fork series which taught adults laws and tips on hunting deer, how to safely process their harvest and how to create nutritious meals with their harvest.
A total of 52 participants attended the 3-part series (13 - Deer Hunting Basics, 23-Deer Processing, 16- Venison Preservation and Cooking).
All participants stated they would attend a similar program in the future, claimed to learn new, more efficient and safer processing skills and majority learned new preservation and cooking techniques
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment