Success StoryArt in the Garden a Success
Art in the Garden a Success
Author: Erika Wood
Planning Unit: Hopkins County CES
Major Program: Master Gardener
Plan of Work: Expanding Opportunities for Technology, Sustainability, and Environmental Stewardship
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Pennyroyal Master Gardener Association offered a new event to the community for 2021 known as Art in the Garden. Every year, master gardener volunteers oversee and manage the educational demonstration gardens at the Hopkins County Extension Service, which are used for various educational programs. Typically, the master gardeners have tours of the gardens at their annual Spring Lawn and Garden Fair event but were not able to do so due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, the master gardeners made modifications to follow COVID-19 social distancing guidelines and created Art in the Garden. The Art in the Garden event featured tours of the educational gardens with local art, craft, and farmers’ market vendors setting up tables around the gardens to showcase their products and business. In addition, the master gardeners set up educational tables with giveaways, publications, and flyers of future programs. Music and food truck vendors were also present. The event was open to the public, and master gardeners were stationed at each demonstration garden to give the facts and history about the types of plants being grown. A survey was given at the end of the tour. 96% of those who attended the event learned more about the different kinds of gardens. The most popular gardens on the tour were the research flower trial garden, daylily garden, and children’s garden.
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