Success StoryReconnecting
Author: Patrice Thompson
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Plan of Work: Educating, & empowering individuals & families to make responsible choices & develop lifeskills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Over the past year, it has been difficult to engage stakeholders in virtual programming. Many stakeholders, unsure of what the next steps are for them, put external programming on pause due to these uncertainties. As a result, many of my programs were put to a halt towards the end of the 4-H year in 2020, as we all adjusted to various changes. At the beginning of this year, as the world began to open back up, I received emails from new and old stakeholders desiring to plan programming for the upcoming school year. From January up until today, I have established new connections with an inner city community center, a business organization that services minority students, and two new schools. I have also reconnected with previous stakeholders who switched from virtual programming back to in-person programming. These new connections will enable me, as a 4-H Agent, to facilitate programming to our target audience as a part of our strategic plan and reach over 100 of the most important new and old stakeholders, the youth.
Stories by Patrice Thompson
As the school year ended suddenly and summer approached, we have had to adjust our programming and r... Read More
Growing Collaborations
In February, the KSU team attended the Jefferson County FRYSC Meeting. This is a monthly meeting tha... Read More
Stories by Jefferson County CES

Pandemic Response: How social distancing regulations are creating innovative ways to for extension agents to teach their audience
2020 has been a challenging year as an emerging virus pandemic has altered the way that society has ... Read More

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