S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Lydia Gosney
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Success Story: 2024 Spring Project Day “Exploring the Deep Sea”The Problem Our 4-H Programs were experiencing a significant gap in STEM-related activities. With summer break approaching and many families planning vacations, we wanted to provide an enriching experience for youth not vacationing near the sea. Thus, we designed a project day to bring the wonders of the deep sea to them, ensuring they could "visit" the sea through engaging, hands-on activities.The Educational P
Author: Torey Earle
The following is taken from Elementary and Secondary STEM Education, National Science Board Science and Engineering Indicators:“Elementary and secondary education in mathematics and science is the foundation for student entry into postsecondary STEM majors and a wide variety of STEM-related occupations. Given the foundational nature of elementary and secondary STEM education, it is critical to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected student learning. The COVID-19 pandemic led to
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Computer and Information Technology Occupations, on the Internet at https://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/home.htm, Overall employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations from 2022 to 2032. About 377,500 openings are projected each year, on average, in these occupations due to employment gr
Author: Timothy Stombaugh
The complexity of engine and fuel technology is continually and rapidly increasing. It becomes difficult for Agriculture teachers in High Schools who teach small engine curriculum to remain current with the innovations and technology. A workshop conducted in BAE for Ag teachers gave them opportunity to see and explore new engine technology and teaching ideas in a hands-on environment. Teachers completing the program were better equipped to lead students through exercises and d
Author: Joshua Jackson
Engaging youth in STEM activities can be challenging. To address this, Remote Control Tractor Pulling was introduced to help students understand practical mathematical concepts and spark interest in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering. The hands-on use of RC pulling tractors captivates students, and through various challenges, they learn about power, torque, speed, energy storage, power-to-weight ratio, vehicle balance, friction, traction, stability, and safety. A workshop at Teen Conference
Author: Joyce Doyle
Teaching children to follow directions sometimes is a chore, but when you use science activities, they learn quickly if they do not follow directions, the experiment will be a flop. When science is taught, the participants think that it is magic and are always so attentive. This was proven at STEM and 4-H camp this year. I taught science to my 4-H campers and they responded with excitement.Lesson one: Air power. Balloons were put in a bottle
Author: Lucas Powell
In a larger county like Fayette, getting the word out about our programs can sometimes be challenging. One great way to get youth involved is by bringing the programs to them in the classroom. Thankfully, Fayette County has schools to spare and is only growing. One great way I have found to build relationships with the schools is to start out by partnering with the FRC/YSC. Our Afterschool Program at Garret Morgan Elementary has been a success. During this program, we cover a wide range of
Author: Genaea Sarantakos
The problem4th grade teachers expressed interest in cow eye dissection to help solidify the following Core Content Standards:4-LS1-2. Use a model to describe that animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information in their brains, and respond to the information in different ways. Emphasis is on systems of information transfer.4-PS4-2. Develop a model to describe that light reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows objects to be seen. Examples o
The problem: 4th grade teachers expressed interest in cow eye dissection to help solidify the following Core Content Standards:4-LS1-2. Use a model to describe that animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information in their brains, and respond to the information in different ways. Emphasis is on systems of information transfer.4-PS4-2. Develop a model to describe that light reflecting from objects and entering the eye allows objects to be seen. Exa
Author: Tyler London
Many children in Monroe County find themselves at school in their Summers. With the vision of Mrs. Turner, she is combatting the "Summer Slide" where kids can lose up to 2 months worth of curriculum learned the year before, during the Summer. When speaking with Mrs. Turner, we were able to implement a Drone Day for all the kids in Summer school. The drone day would enable the kids to learn of STEM activities as well as advancements within the agricultural field. We decided w
Author: Jacob Hall
Author: John (Connor) Cooper
A few years ago the Hopkins County 4-H Council invested money and resources into a Esports 4-H Club. The council along with myself saw this as a way to teach youth coding, communcation, and teamwork skills. The club has had steady growth and vaulable skills are being taught. In late Fall of 2023, I was approached by our state 4-H STEM specialist, Torey Earls, on partnering with Apple. Through this partnership, my community recived an investment of over $30,000 woth of ipads, apple pencils, cases
Author: Eric Collins
The problemIn a survey of parents conducted by the Family Resource Center at Lee County Elementary, responses indicated a desire for extracurricular activities other than sports. It was stated that not all children have the desire or ability to participate in sports, however, all children want to socialize and engage in appropriate activities with their same-age peers.The educational program responseAs an initial response, Lee County 4-H decided to start an afterschool 4-H club. The club meets o
Author: Kindra Jones
The Grayson County 4-H Agent has increased school program reach throughout the counties four elementary schools. Positive youth programming spans primarily from grades second through fifth grades, with an occasional Kindergarten group. The opportunities to reach so many youths throughout these grades have increased program and club participation as well as the significant increase in youth attending 4-H camp each year. The agent has created a rapport with the youth at the schools, as well as the
Author: Rebecca Hayes
The problemThe problem that the school enrichment clubs are addressing is the low number of 4-H enrollment and attendance at activities. The other main problem is that students and families did not know what 4-H has to offer them. The educational program response4-H has been offered and accepted to provide enrichment in all 6 of the Carter County Elementary Schools. The educational program response was monthly classroom visit to provide enrichment activities to enhance what they are learnin
Year after year, we are losing something in society. We, as educators, are losing connections with the children we serve as 4H professionals. We sometimes fail to realize not every child has a prize heifer to show or may not have the agricultural aspect of life that many are blessed to have. However, they do have a mind that is intrigued by technologies that are offered. One of the prime technologies we see today are drones. They are entering into so many markets and offering many new jobs.We pr
Author: Molly Jordan
At the onset of the 2023-2024 academic term, a group of educators from Bracken County High School approached me to contribute to their newly established enrichment initiative. They had observed the success of my after-school welding club and expressed interest in integrating it into their program. Since September 2023, I've been instructing welding sessions once a month, each lasting 20 minutes, for BCHS students.During these sessions, one student demonstrated remarkable enthusiasm for weldi
The problemFollowing our December dissection lab, our 4-H community requested more hands- on STEM opportunities for youth to participate in. The educational program responseWith the help of 4 UK Medical School students who expressed interest in volunteering with 4-H, they created and hosted a highly hands-on workshop for youth to explore medical sciences. Youth learned and experienced suturing, how to splint injuries, stop the bleed, and treat burns.The participants/target audience4-H youth
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment