S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Keenan Bishop
Major Program: Small Farm Diversification
Small, diversified family farm selling produce, meats and value added processed. Having acreage for only a small poultry flock, a couple head each of goats, sheep, beef and dairy cattle.Need for a feed & mineral program & stations for multi-specie supplementation and co-grazing.No Tractor to move hay therefor dumped in field. Designed improvised low cost fenceline feeder to reduce mud, waste and allow ease of feeding.Hay needs & waste were reduced.
Author: David Embrey
According to the latest Census of Agriculture Edmonson County has 81,589 acres of land used for agricultural purposes. About 73% is used for pasture and hay production. Several ruminant, and other species are raised on these acres, to include beef and dairy cattle, horses, meat goats, sheep, pastured poultry, and even wildlife, however, not all wildlife species are welcome by producers. In today’s economy many producers are searching for ways to improve production and utilization of forage
Author: Kelsey Marcum
The Living on a Few Acres Farm Conference brought together 52 participants from five different counties across Kentucky, fostering an exchange of knowledge and ideas on sustainable farming practices. UK Cooperative Extension Agents from Pulaski, McCreary, Russell, and Casey counties organized and led a series of classes that delved into various aspects of small-scale agriculture, including soils management, beekeeping, vegetable gardening, poultry, rabbits for meat production, small ruminant car
Author: Laura Rogers
The problem In Whitley County community, attending an agriculture conference of any significance can be prohibitively expensive for many families. The cost of food, travel, and accommodation often makes such events inaccessible, especially in a region where the poverty rate is 23.5%, significantly higher than the state average of 16.5%. Farmers in Whitley County face unique challenges and need accessible resources and knowledge on farming business issues, horticulture, livestock care, aquacultur
The problem is the lack of accessibility to agricultural education for the Hispanic community in Whitley County, Kentucky. The Hispanic community faced significant barriers, including language and cultural differences, which hindered their participation in traditional English-language agricultural programs held at venues like the Whitley County Extension Office or libraries.Additionally, there was a lack of engagement from the Hispanic community due to the language barrier, making it diffi
The problem In its inaugural year, the program "Celebrating People in Agriculture" had the challenge of establishing a new program in a community where I had just started. The community has limited available information and resources.The educational program response:The program impact or participant response to the education program, "Celebrating People in Agriculture," is evident through the positive feedback, increased engagement, and tangible benefits observed within
Author: Jeffrey Lehmkuhler
Supporters: Mary McCarty, Gregg Rentfrow, Les Anderson, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Patricia Harrelson(MSU), Phil Prater(MSU), Ken Andries(MSU), Greg Dike (Zhi-ba Shing-ga Yaks), Susan Mandatta (Silvercuff Farms), Kat Tylee (Little Hawk Yarns)The second yak conference was held October 28, 2023 at Morehead State University. A total of 48 tickets were claimed from the online registration site which had a total of 140 page views. The conference was attended by some 40 individuals being at the conf
Author: Regina Utz
Melanie Rice of Blossom Ridge Flower Farm. Melanie Rice moved to Trimble County in the late Winter of 2023. She was originally from Oldham County, and they had just bought property here to build their dream home. Melanie knew she wanted to do something on the farm to make an income but wasn’t sure where to start. She attended a few gardening classes here in Trimble County Extension and learned more about growing more than vegetables. In late April of 2023, Regina Utz the ANR agent in
Author: Kendal Bowman
On April 4th, 2024, Kendal Bowman, Owen County's Agricultural Agent, orchestrated an impactful event aimed at addressing the pressing concerns of the region's farming community. With 145 attendees, including seasoned farmers, agriculturalists, and homesteaders, the Ag Funding Workshop was a testament of the pressing issue of inflation in operating costs, a looming threat to farmers, beginning farmers, and homesteaders alike.Through meticulous planning, Kendal ensured that attendees depar
Author: Tracie Goodman
Author: Gary Hamilton
Two years ago this agent was contacted by a young couple requesting assistance in starting farm market or roadside stand. They had a plan to renovate an existing tobacco barn into a storefront for their market. The barn was located on a busy state highway and was an ideal location for such a business. They requested help in designing the market layout and for help in determining the size and type of coolers needed. An on site visit was arranged where 2 specialist from the UK Horticulture Departm
Author: Jacob Ison
Since the tobacco buy out, Elliott County has been looking for ways to add agricultural diversification to the area. Some have moved to raising more hay and cattle. Some turned their tobacco ground into corn and soy bean fields but one couple who recently purchased a small farm here in the County turned what use to be an old tobacco base into something a little different! Jeremiah and Cindy Littleton purchased a farm out on Rocky Branch Rd, here in Elliott County in early 2022, as a weekend
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment