S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Annhall Norris
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - FCS
Kentuckians have expressed a growing interest in starting their own food production business and are seeking resources and guidelines to do so. Whether homebased or commercial, entrepreneurs quickly learn there is not a specific place to find this information. County Extension Agents receive numerous questions and requests for resources. In response, a program was developed for budding entrepreneurs to obtain information, gather resources, and have questions answered in a central location.
Author: Natalie Green
According to the US Census Bureau’s 2022 American Community 5 year Estimates of Webster County, KY, 46.4% of the population obtained a High School Diploma or equivalent, 18.5% have completed some college, no degree, 9.3% completed an Associate’s degree, 7.2% completed a Bachelor’s degree, and 4.2% have completed a Graduate or professional degree. One of the most common reasons for not furthering education is due to the expense of college. The FCS Agent was approached by F
Author: Nichole Huff
Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation, and Stanford Research Center indicates 85% of job success comes from having well-developed soft skills and people skills, and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge (or “hard” skills). Employers are often prepared to teach technical job skills; however, intangible skills that promote human capital – like being a team player, time management, professional productivity, and positive
Author: Maranda Brooks
The problem- College of Public Health Research Project Manager found that students were lacking opportunities to be exposed and explore new public healthy revlevant career opportunities including work in the extension services. The educational program response- FCS/ NEP collaborated to offering educational/ outreach opportunity to UK college of Public Health student to discuss career filed and overview of what extension services is and role of NEP program, prepped, co-led session regarding
Author: Morgan Murphy
The problemI had a request from someone in the community to see if the office might hold a charcuterie board class. The educational program responseI gauged interest from the community in having a charcuterie board class and found that there was a lot of interest! So much so that we had to have 3 classes to allow everyone to participate. The participants/target audienceThe target audience for this program were people that may not have participated in extension programs before. We had all th
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment