S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Heather Norman-Burgdolf
Major Program: National Dining with Diabetes
According to the Kentucky Department of Public Health, diabetes prevalence has doubled from 2000 to 2021 from 6.5% of adults to 13.8% of Kentucky adults. This rate is also higher than the national average (10.5%), with Kentucky exhibiting the 13th highest mortality rate from diabetes in the U.S. Certain parts of Kentucky experience higher adult rates of diabetes. For example, Appalachian Kentucky counties exhibit a diagnosed diabetes rate of 16% compared to 13% in non-Appalachian Kentucky counti
Author: Britney Poe
13.6% of the adult population in Kentucky, have diagnosed diabetes. As for the 2,131 residents in Robertson County, 12.1 % have been diagnosed with diabetes.258 people in our small community puts things into perspective just how many that we love and care about are battling this chronic disease. The Robertson County Extension Office partnered with the Buffalo Trace District Health Department to offer the Dining with Diabetes program. The program objectives are:Increase knowledge
Author: Laken Campbell
In Kentucky, 1 in 3 adults has diagnosed (and undiagnosed) prediabetes. Lee County Kentucky is not an exception to the ever-growing number of individuals living with chronic illnesses such as diabetes. According to the County Health Rankings 2022 data, 43% of adults in Lee County, Ky are obese, which is well above the state (36%) and national (32%) percentages, and according to the CDC it is estimated that the percentage of adults with diabetes is16%. (4 points higher than the state pe
Author: Lorie Dunn
Currently 12.8% of Kentuckians and 21% of Children in Grant County live in poverty. Many of these families receive assistance from local food pantries in addition to SNAP benefits. The Grant County Nutrition Education program and the Grant County Homeschool Group collaborated to present a seven weeklong Cook Together Eat Together program. The classes averaged 8 families with 7 completing the series. The Cook Together Eat Together program was used for a 7-week series of cl
Author: Alivia Faris
University of Kentucky Diabetes Prevention Program CollaborativeIn the state of Kentucky 1 in 3 adults have diagnosed (and undiagnosed) prediabetes. Scott County Kentucky is not an exception to the growing number of individuals living with chronic illnesses such as diabetes. Beyond Kentucky, many regions across the United States are finding challenges in reaching vulnerable populations who are more susceptible to chronic illnesses. Novel educational opportunities are needed to reach more individ
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment