S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Ruth Chowning
Major Program: Recipes for Life
A Department of Education survey indicated that 87 percent of fourth to eighth graders said that they cook and make some of their meals or snacks. However, youth who lack healthy cooking knowledge may rely on packaged foods or prepared foods containing questionable nutrition value. Teaching youth food preparation skills promote important life skills development. Research published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics noted that children who engaged in handling foods, ha
Author: Shannon Smith
The Bracken County Family and Consumer Science Agent offered the Recipes for Life program to Bracken County 5th graders for the first time in 2022. The FCS Agent collaborated with 2 administrators, 5 teachers from Taylor Elementary and Augusta Independent School, 10 volunteers and 115 students. The program was held for 5 days at the Extension Office with a new class coming each day. A pre/posttest was given to determine learning outcomes. As a result from the program stud
Author: Catherine Jansen
The University of Kentucky Carroll County Cooperative Extension Service recently offered Recipes for Life – a nutrition and cooking program designed to instill the love of cooking in the young people of Carroll County.During the program, over 325 fifth and sixth-grade students from Carroll County Middle School learned kitchen safety, and food preparation and selection. These skills will allow them to better help their families prepare meals. Research shows children who regularly eat with t
Author: Deborah Messenger
Cumberland County Family and Consumer Sciences collaborated with four 5th grade teachers and the principal of Cumberland County Elementary School to offer the Recipes for Life program to sixty-seven students. Three volunteers worked with students in a hands-on educational setting to teach important life skills. A post-test evaluation was conducted to determine learning outcomes. As a result of the program, students gained the following knowledge and skills:- 97% recognized the recommended handwa
Author: Terence Clemons
During the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in Kentucky, and rates remain high-19.7 percent obesity rate for Kentucky youth ages 10-17 years old, which is eight highest in the nation (CDC). The current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, states everyone has a role in encouraging easy, accessible, and affordable ways to support healthy choices-including schools, which is where children spend majority of their time. From those staggering facts and suggest
Author: Asa Conkwright
Recipes for Life was held by the Grant County Cooperative Extension office for the first time since the beginning the COVID pandemic. 45 Students from Grant County’s Gifted 5th grade program and their teacher took a field trip to the extension office for a day of education and fun. The Grant County FCS agent, 4-H agent, and Senior NEP assistant, taught lessons that included information about food safety, kitchen safety, knife skills, meal preparation, MyPlate, hand washing, table manners,
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment