S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Vicki Shadrick
Major Program: Staff Development
A University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Office can be found in every county across the Commonwealth. County Extension offices are typically made up of Extension Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Sciences and 4-H and Youth Development. The extension mentor program helps new agents experience an easier transition into the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. New agents (mentee) are paired with an experienced agent (me
Author: David Embrey
Leadership development and professional improvement opportunities are extremely important to the success of Extension Agents. The KY Association of County Agricultural Agents (KACAA) provides avenues for agents to sharpen their skills and become “Better Together” through teamwork. Agents have not had a great deal of in-person trainings the past two years due to Covid restrictions.The W7 and W8 agriculture and horticulture agents hosted the KACAA annual meeting on June 22-24, 2022 in
Author: Nola Janeen Tramble
I couldn't resist this after our May professional development day on May 11, loved the video. After a 33+ year career I am retiring. My first day on the job was May 22, 1989. I spent 29 year as a 4-H agent in Lyon (May 22, 1989 to December 31, 1995) and Trigg (January 1996 - July 30) counties and 4 years as an FCS agent in Crittenden county (August 1, 2018 - July 5, 2022) . I have loved teaching the youth and adults many life skills. I have met some amazing people and worke
Author: Jennifer Tackett
Kentucky 4-H has experienced an influx of new hires over the past 2 years. To ensure agent success, Kentucky 4-H developed the two-year onboarding process for new agents. Our mission is timely, focused education, dedicated to 4-H agent success. We focus on three main areas: youth development, program development and youth development. Education is offered through face-to-face trainings, personalized visits from specialists, monthly newsletters, and consistent and ongoing suppor
Author: Omolola Adedokun
Between December 2021 and March 2022, several Extension specialists expressed their interests in learning more about IRB requirements for Extension programs to the Extension Evaluation Director. To address this need, UK Extension Program and Staff Development, in partnership with UK Office of Research Integrity (ORI), hosted a virtual webinar entitled “Navigating IRBs for Extension Program Evaluation.” During the webinar, two ORI representatives addressed scenario-based questions abo
As part of Kentucky Extension’s commitment to enhancing and sustaining the ability and capacity of Extension specialists and agents to conduct high quality program evaluations, the Director of Extension Evaluation developed and implemented training sessions focused on the connections between program planning and impact/outcome reporting. The trainings, “From Logic Models to Success Stories” and “Planning for Impact,” illustrated how to use the logic model to align p
Author: Casey Townsend
A pre and post survey was given to program participants during extension conference measuring their comfort level to create a Qualtrics Evaluation that aligns with KERS. The results were 2.45 stars before verses 4.10 stars afterwards. Their confidence levels were measured on their feelings of being able to share surveys or results with stakeholders, those results were 2.61 stars before and 3.70 stars afterwards. After the training, a Family and Consumer Science Agent created a
Author: Paula Jerrell
I have been involved in a professional development leadership program called ESP LEADS, through Epsilon Sigma Phi. We have learned about leadership styles, group development, team building and so much more. We have had meetings across the state learning about extension partnerships and efforts going on in our state that have involved extension leaders. It was a two year program with a core planning committee of which i was a part. I have now been peer nominated to be the chairperson
Author: Sarah Congleton
Leadership is an important component in the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent profession. A Student from the University contacted the Montgomery County Extension Office to inquire about shadowing the Agriculture Agent as her major is Agriculture Education. However, she would also like to shadow the 4-H Youth Development Agent and Family and Consumer Sciences Agent to get the full experience of Extension programming. The University of Kentucky Student shadowed the Family and Consumer Scienc
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment