S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Ruth Chowning
Major Program: Super Star Chef
The mission of the Super Star Chef series is to provide a fun and educational experience for youth to gain knowledge and learn skills that will lead to success in the kitchen. The Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service was contacted by the Sunrise Childrens Home for at risk adolescent boys who have been orphaned or are wards of the court. The Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences taught by-weekly lessons to the 17 pre-teen and teen boys housed in the residential facility
Author: Jessica Hunley
The FCS agent, with support from the SNAP assistant, NEP assistant, and FCS assistant, planned and coordinated Super Star Chef day camp in the summer of 2022. There were 18 Madison County students, ranging from 9 to 12 years old, who participated in Super Star Chef 2022 and got to experience some fun and new ways to discover life and social skills through working in the kitchen. The students spent 4 hours a day for three days learning about kitchen safety skills, knife skills, nutri
Author: Kendyl Redding
According to 2020 data from the State of Obesity website, the obesity rate for children ages 10 to 17 in Kentucky is 23.8%. This places Kentucky at the highest in the nation for childhood obesity rates in this age group.In addition, the Powell County Health Coalition identified childhood obesity as a grassroots issue facing the community. Recent research has indicated that teaching cooking skills to children encourages healthier foodchoices, which can lower obesity rates. To
Author: Joan Bowling
In Kentucky, 23.8% of youth ages 10 to 17 have obesity, giving Kentucky a ranking of 1 among the 50 states and D.C. according to The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (n.d.). Obesity Rate Among High School Students. https://stateofchildhoodobesity.org/high-school-obesity. Overweight (body mass index >85th percentile for sex and age) and obese (body mass index >95th percentile for sex and age) in youth have emerged as a major health concern. One of the best ways to combat childhood obesi
Author: Nola Janeen Tramble
According to 2017 data from the State of Obesity website, the obesity rate for children ages 10 to 17 in Kentucky is 19.3%. This places Kentucky at third highest in the nation for childhood obesity rates in this age group. Recent research has indicated that teaching cooking skills to children encourages healthier food choices, which can lower obesity rates. In an effort to address this problem, the Crittenden County Family Consumer Science agent, 4-H agent and SNAPed assistant presented Su
Author: Amy Stooksbury
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services show US students receive less than 8 hours of required nutrition education each school year. The Todd County Cooperative Extension Office collaborated with the Todd County Family Resource and Youth Services Centers for a summer program, “Super Star Chef Camp”. The three-day cooking camp, included hands-on food preparation skills, kitchen safety and appliance use, food safety procedures, nutrition education, and physical activity.
Author: Cecelia Hostilo
The COVID19 pandemic left many in West Kentucky in situations with which they had never before dealt. Early in the pandemic many stockpiled pantry staples in fear of shortages on grocery shelves. Many followed Kentucky’s Healthy at Home recommendations and did not leave their houses except for the most necessary errands. Once restrictions and recommendations loosened, many of our clientele still chose to limit leaving their homes because of the continual changes in inform
Author: Angie York
The COVID19 pandemic left many Western Kentuckians in situations with which they had never before dealt. Early in the pandemic many stockpiled pantry staples in fear of shortages on grocery shelves. Many followed Kentucky’s Healthy at Home recommendations and did not leave their houses except for the most necessary errands. Once restrictions and recommendations loosened, many of our clientele still chose to limit leaving their homes because of the continual changes in inf
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment