S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Lynn Blankenship
Major Program: National Dining with Diabetes
In an effort to outreach with needed programs in a COVID safe manner, the Dining with Diabetes (DWD) program series was offered in summer 2020, to Metcalfe County Extension program stakeholders through the Facebook Live closed group, virtual platform. Lynn Blankenship, Metcalfe Co. Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences Education taught three of the four, live virtual sessions and taught the UK FCS Extension Eating Healthy Around the Holidays program in December, with the group f
Author: Heather Norman-Burgdolf
According to the Kentucky Department of Public Health, diabetes prevalence has doubled from 2000 to 2018 from 6.5% of adults to 13.7% of Kentucky adults. This rate is also higher than the national average (10.5%). Certain parts of Kentucky experience higher adult rates of diabetes. For example, Appalachian Kentucky counties exhibit a diagnosed diabetes rate of 16.8% compared to 12.5% in non-Appalachian Kentucky counties. Further, 1 in 3 Kentucky adults have diagnosed or undiagnosed prediabetes,
Author: Nanette Banks
According to Kentucky by the Numbers, Letcher County has 37.8% of adults who are overweight or obese with 23.1% diagnosed with diabetes. The Letcher County Cooperative Extension Service Family and Consumer Sciences Agent presented Dining with Diabetes via zoom to adults with diabetes and/or family members responsible for meal planning and preparation. Over nine adults participated in one or more lesson with an average attendance of seven. As a result of the program, 50% reporte
Author: Alivia Faris
Virtual Dining with DiabetesAccording to the Kentucky Department for Public Health, one in seven Kentucky adults has been diagnosed with diabetes. Lawrence County has upwards of 20 percent of the adult population diagnosed diabetic. Although community members may know about the diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one, learning how to manage this new lifestyle can be difficult. Providing programming on lifestyle change is important for overall physical, and metal health of those diagnosed
Author: Amanda Broderick
According to the Kentucky Department for Public Health, one in seven Kentucky adults has been diagnosed with diabetes. Lewis County has upwards of 7 percent of the adult population diagnosed diabetic. Although community members may know about the diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one, learning how to manage this new lifestyle can be difficult. Providing programming on lifestyle change is important for overall physical, and metal health of those diagnosed diabetic, and is also important
Author: Leslie Workman
According to Kentuckyhealthfacts.org, Pike County has approximately 75% of adults who are overweight or obese with 24% diagnosed with diabetes.The Pike County Cooperative Extension Service Family & Consumer Sciences Program partnered with Pikeville Medical Center and the Pike County Health Department to present Dining with Diabetes to adults with diabetes and their family members/support persons responsible for meal planning and preparation. Over 40 adults participated in the 4 lesson series
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment