S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Deborah Shepherd
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Strong leadership skills are important for a vital Extension Homemaker program. Twenty-eight Wayne County Extension Homemakers participated in Officer and Leadership Training Event. Participants reported before and after knowledge, skills and confidence of key leadership skills via paper survey. 99 % reported a gain in knowledge in KEHA Programming emphases.100% reported a gain in understanding the importance of KEHA reporting.100% reported a gain in KEHA membership campaigns an
Author: M. Elizabeth Coots
The Woodford County Extension Homemakers partnered with Pivot Brewing Company in Lexington, Kentucky to make homemade cloth face coverings for the Kentucky Children's Hospital and University of Kentucky Hospital. The Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association was asked to help support the effort of making cloth face coverings for health care workers. At the same time, Pivot Brewing Company, closed for business, wanted to utilize their resources and give back to the community so they reached o
Author: Dayna Fentress
When First Lady Britany Beshear requested individuals make masks and donate them to their local schools in her "Coverings for Kids" initiative as schools began to open back up, the Hardin County Extension Homemakers got to work. They immediately took the pattern and organized an efficient material pick up and drop off system. Hardin County Schools brought fabric to the office, a group of Homemaker volunteers cut out mask patterns. Then individuals or clubs could come pick up as many pr
Author: Tiffany Bolinger
Three years ago, the Christian County Extension Homemakers launched the Jr. Homemakers program. One major goal of the program was to begin growing the Homemaker organization from the ground up by recruiting youth ages 9-18. The program has been very successful quickly growing to over 30 members in the second year. However, like all other in person programming, COVID-19 threatened to stop the program in its tracks.The Christian County Extension Homemakers and Family & Consumer Sciences Agent
Author: Valerie Holland
Members of the Jefferson County Extension Homemakers Association are very diverse and capable leaders who are not afraid of a challenge. And they did face a huge challenge with the 2020 COVID 19 pandemic! Jefferson County rated in the highest case level of the state, but their tenacious spirit led them to find any way they could help and serve during this pandemic. Throughout the year, the Extension Homemakers have contributed time, talent and dollars to the community both on a county, are
Author: Jordan Crain
In an effort to encourage positive thoughts and safely engage clientele during uncertain times, the Lake Cumberland Area FCS Agents offered Kentucky Extension Homemakers the opportunity to become involved in a Pen Pal Program. The Pen Pal Program consisted of participants completing a survey that allowed them to share their hobbies, like and dislikes, etc. Once each County had time to gather surveys from those who wished to participate, participants were paired up with a person with similar inte
Author: Cecelia Hostilo
In the Pennyrile Area of Kentucky, grain milling is a rich part of the agricultural history. In order to help Homemakers in the Pennyrile area better understand how wheat growth, production, and processing fit into the local food system, an area seminar entitled Mills to Meals was offered. The seminar was presented by the Pennyrile Area Homemakers in partnership with several guest speakers. Alissa Keller from the Pennyroyal Area Museum in Hopkinsville talked about the history
Author: Sally Mineer
Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association Leadership Academy-I worked with the KEHA Leadership Academy planning committee to have a 2 day leadership academy in March 2020. Over those 2 days we had 25 leaders from across the state attend and learn more about the following: communication skills, leadership styles, parliamentary procedure, understanding personalities and accessing the future of their organization. The 6 person planning committee plus 2 advisors that included myse
Author: Natalie Taul
Developing effective leaders is critical for the future and success of any organization and the Grayson County Extension Homemakers are no exception when it comes to developing leadership and growing membership. In the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Grayson County Homemakers took a chance on a new way to reach people (and stay connected amongst themselves) and have seen some success though the Pen Pal and Out and About programs. Nearly 50% of current homemaker members participated in a
Author: Karen Denniston
COVID-19 has impacted the lives of everyone. Some of the impacts have been positive and some not so positive. The Bourbon County Extension Homemakers, in typical Homemaker fashion, have stepped up during this pandemic to support and assist our community in overcoming some of the day-to-day obstacles presented. In the middle of face masks shortages, the Homemakers took on the task of making handmade masks for Bourbon Community Hospital, Paris Independent Elementary Schools, and local
Author: Lora Howard
Community Leaders and Volunteers are important in building engaged and empowered communities. Clay County Homemakers Mission is to improve the quality of life for families and communities through education, leadership development and volunteer service. Women are known leaders in their communities. They can provide the needed incentives, influence, and leadership to improve the lives of their family, organizations and communities. The growth and well-being of the organization depends
Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson
Ovarian cancer does not stop just because of a pandemic. This disease ranks fifth in cancer deaths among women according to the American Cancer Society. A woman has a one in seventy eight chance of getting ovarian cancer during her lifetime also according to the American Cancer Society. The UK Markey Cancer Center Ovarian Cancer Screening Program has been in existence since 1987 and has been and is currently working to combat this “silent killer.” The screening program provides free
Author: Christina A. Martin
During the on-going pandemic, the Homemaker Clubs were not able to meet, but that didn’t stop them from participating in educational opportunities and community service. Homemaker members participated in the following state FCS programs: Big Blue Goals challenge, estate planning series, and the How of Happiness book club. Additionally during the pandemic, the Homemakers made law enforcement appreciation bags, grab and go food bags for EMS personnel, and 28 fidget mats for
Author: Kelly Burgess
In Allen County, only 14.6% (+/- 2.1%) of the population 25 years of age and older have a bachelor’s degree or more. With the median household income being estimated as $44,624, and a poverty rate of 17.3%, paying for a college education is a barrier to many families (Kentucky by the Numbers 2019 County Data Sheets). Allen County Extension Homemakers have a tradition of providing a $500 scholarship to an Allen County Scottsville High School student pursuing a Family and Consumer Sciences (
Author: Lora Davidson
Volunteers are always needed in the world of Extension and during the COVID-19 Pandemic, we saw how much our volunteers contributed to the communities. The Harlan County Homemakers pulled together with the FCS Agent to supply mandated face mask to a multitude of organizations. The Homemakers of Harlan County worked vigorously to put in the hours to get as many face coverings as possible out to the communities. Following CDC guidelines and patterns that were distributed to the Homemakers, they we
Author: Linda Combs
·National data indicates that Covid-19 has caused a negative impact on mental health; causing stress, grief and anxiety. During the late summer of 2020 the Knott County Homemaker council met using Facebook messenger rooms. During the meeting council members discussed the impact of Covid-19 on county homemakers. Homemakers were isolating themselves from even the sun – it was revealed that many were so depressed they had not even sat on their porch or stepped outside
Author: Sherri Broderick
Extension Homemakers work to improve the quality of life for their families and communities through leadership development, volunteer service and education. Gallatin County Extension Homemakers are active and involved with the Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association at the Northern Kentucky Area and State level. Gallatin County Extension Homemakers give back to our community. One way is through the Gallatin County Extension Homemaker Scholarship that gives a $1,000 annual scho
Author: Heather Cheek
Over the past 43 years, the Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association has raised money to help support the Ovarian Cancer Research program at the University of Kentucky. Every year, the Mason County Extension Homemakers host at least 3 fundraisers to support their financial contribution to the Ovarian Cancer Research program. Unfortunately, in 2020, they were unable to hold any of their usual fundraisers due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With budget cuts on the University level, the Extension H
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