S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Alethea Price
Major Program: LEAP
Family and Consumer Sciences Extension focuses on individual and family development by promoting effective communication, understanding developmental ages and stages, appreciating individual and cultural differences, developing a strong value system, making wise decisions, and encouraging a supportive environment.Munchkin and Me is a program the FCS Agent partnered with the Community Arts Center now Art Center of the Bluegrass. We combined a popular preschool children's art class with LEAP f
Author: Rachael Price
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 13.2 percent of Kentucky youth eat fruits and vegetables five or more times a day. The national average is 21.4 percent. In order to combat this the Grant County Extension Office planned to teach monthly lessons to 250 Head Start and preschool children for the 2019-2020 School Year. The Literacy, Eating, and Activity for Preschool (LEAP) program was developed specifically to target preschool age children to teach them
Author: Jordan Crain
When the early release of schools prevented LEAP from continuing in person, a virtual approach allowed preschool aged children to still receive LEAP lessons and in turn helped others in their families to receive the information too. The Green County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences and a Green County Primary School preschool teacher collaborated to offer an online LEAP session for families to participate in. For the online LEAP session, families were given the featured activity a
Author: Angie York
Preschoolers in low income families are not often afforded the opportunity to taste and try new and different healthy foods. The Center for Disease Control says that 60% of children ages 2-18 do not meet daily recommendations for the amount of fruits and vegetables they should be eating. In homes where budgets are tight and food dollars are limited, preschoolers often are more familiar with potato chips, candy, snack cakes, and other unhealthy foods. In order to introduce pres
Author: Rebecca Miller
With obesity and poor oral health issues on the rise in 2019, more educators in Bell County sought out ways to help make the children in their classrooms healthy and safe. By using the LEAP (Literacy, Eating and Activity for the Primary) curriculum the Bell County Extension Office along with Family Resource Centers and several school teachers, we were able to reach 262 students in pre-school through 3rd grade with educational information concerning these problems.  
Author: Karli Giles
The Jessamine County Cooperative Extension Office partnered with Jessamine County Early Learning Village in September to teach handwashing to all kindergarteners. The purpose of this program was to teach students about handwashing as a school attendance initiative. Methods used to teach the program were a storybook, germs visuals, and hands-on handwashing activity. To evaluate the effectiveness of the handwashing program, students were asked at the end of the lesson three questions: &ldqu
Author: Margie Hernandez
Brush Those TeethAbout 1 of 5 (20%) children aged 5 to 11 years have at least one untreated decayed tooth (CDC). With poor oral health issues on the rise, educators in Russell County sought out ways to help make the children in their classrooms healthier. The Russell County Cooperative Extension Service Nutrition Education Program assistant collaborated with the Russell County Elementary school teachers to offer the LEAP (Literacy, Eating and Activity for the Primary/Preschool) curriculum
Author: Amanda Howard
According to the Early Childhood Profile, there are 1,043 children ages 0-5 living in Magoffin. Of this 1,043 children only 123 children age 4-6 are enrolled or eligible for Head-Start. The Supplemental Nutrition Education Assistant Senior has been partnering with the Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator/ Family and Consumer Science Educator to present a program that will help other children experience activities that will be vital in preparation for Kindergarten.In an effort to address th
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment