S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Eric Comley
Major Program: 4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources
The ever-changing landscape of the current pandemic world has forced multiple populations to avoid outdoor spaces. According to research conducted by CivicScience, "There is a predicted 15% rise in the face of the COVID-19 Pandemic." This rise to renew an interest in the outdoors and participating in outdoor activities has met some resistance due to public mandates, the continued fluctuation of illnesses reported, and the importance of public health. Garrard County 4-H, in response to
Author: Brittany Osborne
There’s been a deficit amongst the Paducah City Schools due to a limited amount of exposure to the field of Agriculture, outside of the Cooperative Extension Service. The McCracken County Cooperative Extension Service (MCCE), came together and planned to fill this gap by holding an Ag Day for Paducah City Schools. This idea took several years to materialize, but I’m proud to say our dream came true. All program areas of MCCE collaborated to deliver a high quality, hands on agricultur
Author: Krista Perry
Based on conversations with teachers in Franklin County, students are so consumed with their technology gadgets, majority of them are oblivious to what is around them outside. Therefore, the Franklin County 4-H Program offered an overnight environmental program to the schools in Franklin County who wanted to supplement the 4th grade science curriculum outdoors, while providing the opportunity for students to experience hands on activities in an outdoor environment. The program reached
As technology continues to advance, young people’s written and verbal communication skills continue to lack, which are important life skills they need to acquire; therefore, the Franklin County 4-H program promotes the 4-H Country Ham Project where youth gain these life skills. The 4-H Country Ham Project also teaches 4-H members about food preservation and the time honored tradition and history of curing country hams.The 4-H Country Ham project began in January when each participant
Author: Larissa Tucker
Successful teams are based on lots of hard work and dedication. The 2019 Kentucky 4-H Dairy Judging team exemplified that with their hard work and dedication. They put in countless hours traveling to farms, looking at cows, and giving oral reasons. All of these things will give them the skills that they will need to succeed in college and beyond. They are disciplined and know what it takes to succeed. The team placed second overall at the Pennsylvania All American D
Creating the next generation of ag-aware citizens has been stressed as a priority for McCracken County 4-H. According to the Statistical Atlas, approximately 0.7% of those employed in McCracken County are employed in the agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting industries. In response, McCracken County 4-H conducts the 4-H Country Ham Project annually. This project offers an opportunity for youth to engage in livestock education through the course of a program year as they dry cure two co
The number of dairy farms has declined to half the number it was ten years ago. Despite this fact we still have 4-H members with a passion for the dairy industry. One way we have helped them to cultivate that passion is by attending conferences like the National 4-H Dairy Conference held annually in Madison, Wisconsin. Kentucky with the help of local sponsors sends delegates to this event most years. The delegates are high school 4-H members who have been very active in t
Author: Ella Fourqurean
Agriculture and livestock are growing industries not only in the United States but also here in our home of Kentucky. The Henderson County Herdsmen Club provides many opportunities for our youth to continue to grow and become well versed in both industries. One of our events within our program is hosting an educational livestock clinic. During the clinic, various industry leaders from the Cattle, Goat/Sheep and Swine industries are invited to share their knowledge and experience with 4-Hers
Author: Courtney Brock
Although agriculture is big business in Lincoln County, only 30% of 4-H members live on a farm. This number is even lower for non-members. Even though nearly one-third of the economy is agriculture-based, many youth do not realize the importance of agriculture in our everyday lives. The Annual 4-H Adventures in Agriculture Field Day helps provide agriculture education to more than 300 third graders in the county with over $2,500 in funding from various agriculture-related community businesses an
Author: Dianna Reed
The Johnson County Extension Council, 4-H Program Council and State 4-H Office identified Agriculture and Natural Resource Education as a program priority for 4-H Youth Development Education. This long-term project begun in February 2020 was part of our Seeds, Sprouts and Seedlings Workshop Series with 155 Paintsville Elementary 4th-6th graders at the Extension Office and the Eagle and 4-H Enrichment partnership with Johnson Central High School and Middle School's Afterschool School 21st Cen
With family lifestyles getting busier and COVID19 closing many places and parks, it has put a strain on many families. According to Harvard Graduate School of Education, "studies show gardens support and encourage healthful eating as a key component of children's physical wellbeing, which can aid their academic and social success, too." Through the efforts of the McCracken County Cooperative Extension Service, families in McCracken County started their own vegetable gard
Author: Jessica Hopkins
With schools transitioning to NTI days to finish out the 2019-2020 school year, many extension offices decided to create and offer educational kits for youth to complete at home. The Harrison County 4-H and Horticulture Agents teamed up to offer a dish garden kit available to any 4-H aged individual in Harrison County.The project kit included everything the child would need to complete a dish garden which would be eligible to enter into the county fair as an exhibit. The kit include
Author: Paula Tarry
The District 6 4-H Hippology and Horse Judging Contests were events that were cancelled due to COVID-19. This Agent worked with the District 6 4-H Horse Contact Agent to conduct the contests virtually. By doing so, 4-H members were able to continue their 4-H horse project while practicing new skill application.The virtual event included four horse judging clinics held on Zoom. Two horse judging experts were recruited to teach participants how to score conformation, equitation a
Author: Mary Jane Little
"Today, there are more than 12,000 resident camps that exist within the United States that serve more than 11 million youth and adults annually (American Camp Association, 2008). Among these camps, are a large number of 4-H conducted residential camps. According to National 4-H Enrollment Statistics (USDA, 2003), 299,297 youth participated in overnight 4-H camps in 2003. Fifty-eight percent of these youth were female, and 42% were male...According to the American Camping Association (1997),
Author: Patrick Hardesty
At the request of the Taylor County Cattlemen’s Association to have an educational livestock project for youth, a Youth Heifer Chain Program was developed and implemented. The goals of the program are to encourage involvement in the dairy and beef industries, learn proper animal husbandry, and personal responsibility and pride. The program has appealed to youth and families beyond traditional livestock producers. Since the 2007 inception of the program, 80 youth have participated. The Tayl
Author: Jessica Morris
Two years ago, our County Ag Development Council set aside $15,000 to invest into a youth cost share program through KADF that is called Youth Ag Incentives Program (YAIP). During our first year of administration we had 14 kids complete the project. Those kids were awarded a total of $7847.51 of cost share funds. Each youth was eligable for $750.00 of reimbursement for their project with an average of $560.54 being dispersed. Those 14 individuals invested a total of $16,557.89 into their project
Author: Tyrone Gentry
Youth Learn Their Connection to Our EcosystemGreen County geographically is located in the third most diverse system in the United States. The Green River which flows through the county has three endangered mussel species with an additional three species on the threatened list. The Green County 4-H Council through evaluations observed a need to increase the environmental awareness and conservation of our youth and communities. The Green County 4-H clubs in fourth and fifth grades participated in
Author: Kelly Woods
After the tremendous success of the Oldham County 4-H Porch Project outreach, Oldham County Extension and the Oldham County Library partnered to provide 500 Porch Projects each week June 3 thru July 22 to all Oldham County residents as a part of the Summer Reading Program. Each week projects were distributed at the Extension office and two other library branch locations. In addition projects were delivered to summer feeding sites and food banks. A total of 3000 Porch Projects w
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment