Author: Anthony Pescatore
Major Program: Poultry
Contract animal production including poultry and egg production continues to increase in Kentucky and the United States. Under most contract agreements the producer is compared to an expected production standard or producers are compared to each other. The success of producers in contract situations varies widely with little specific information on what makes a successful producer. Pasture based egg production systems have being increasing in Kentucky and surrounding states. Through cooperation
Author: John Fourqurean
In the fall of 2019 this ANR Agent and a producer were discussing the fact that no poultry production educational sessions were offered by anyone here in Kentucky. This ANR Agent worked to plan the McLean County Poultry Expo in February 2020. The newly renovated Extension Facilities at Myer Creek Park would serve as the meeting location along with a indoor and outdoor trade show. The McLean County Extension Service, the McLean County ANR Agent, field staff from Tyson and Perdue all partner