S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091
+1 (859) 257-4302
Author: Brett Wolff
Major Program: Commercial Horticulture - Crop Marketing
Brett Wolff led a 9-part webinar series from March through May 2020 designed to help small agricultural businesses—particularly those selling directly to the public—to pivot toward online and other adaptive methods to cope with emerging impacts of COVID-19.Some webinars were presented just by Brett while others were presented in collaboration with the Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (KCARD), Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA), Community Farm Alliance, and
Author: Alexis Amorese Sheffield
Community Supported Agriculture, popularly known as a CSA, is a system that connects the producer and consumers within their food system more closely. Members pay for their produce share before the season begins, usually winter, which aids farmers in purchasing necessary products during a time when income is typically low. In return for becoming a member, subscribers receive a weekly box of produce or other farm goods. This includes in-season fruits and vegetables and can expand t
Author: David Koester
This is the second year of the Northern Kentucky Specialty Crop Production and Marketing Conference. Topics for the December 2019 conference were selected from recommendations of previous attendees and a planning committee. Holding the conference at the Boone County Enrichment Center enabled us to present two tracts of five presentations per tract. One tract featured specialty crops; mushrooms, blueberries, blackberries, etc. The other tract featured traditional crops and high tunnel production.
Author: Paul Sizemore
Farm diversification has become a must to compete in the ever changing market place of agriculture. Owsley County Cooperative Extension Service conducted a workshop to help farmers diversify their operations and find resources to assist in developing infrastructure at their operations. Owsley County Cooperative Extension, Natural Resources Conservation Service and Kentucky Sate Small Farm Program worked with farmers to obtain High Tunnels and other Projects that would help them to Diversify. As
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment