Rowan County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019
2063 - Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access | ||
2063.1) | 250 |
Number of children grades K-2 who could identify vegetables |
2063.2) | 250 |
Number of children grades K-2 who could identify fruits |
2063.3) | 250 |
Number of children grades 3-5 who report eating vegetables |
2063.4) | 250 |
Number of children grades 3-5 who report eating fruit |
2063.5) | 200 |
Number of children grades 3-5 who report intention to ask their family to buy their favorite fruit or vegetables |
2063.6) | 200 |
Number of children grades 3-5 who report the intent to ask their family to keep fruits in a place where they can reach them |
2063.7) | 200 |
Number of children grades 3-5 who report intention to ask their family to keep cut-up vegetables in a place where they can reach them |
Success Stories
Farmers Market Day at the Health Department/WIC program/Rowan County
Author: Peggy Jones
Major Program: Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access
Farmers Market Day at the Health Department/WIC program/Rowan County Making Healthy Life Choices Eating/nutritious low calorie snackKentucky high school students have the highest rate of overweight/obesity in the Nation. Obesity rate as of 2015-16 was at its record high of 33% in our state. The Cooperative Extension in cooperation with the Rowan County Health Department, Kentucky State University SNAP Program and local farmers from the Farmers Market sponsored a summer promotion of support
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Grow Your Own Vitamins-Sweet Potato Project 2018
Author: Peggy Jones
Major Program: Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access
Grow Your Own Vitamins-Sweet Potato Project 2018 Rowan County has a population of 20,898 as of 2010 census, 3057 (15%) are seniors that are 55 or older. 18 % of the seniors live in poverty in Rowan County and have limited access to fresh produce. FCS Agent initiated a program in 2017 called Grow Your Vitamins with goal of increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Being in its second year, Extension collaborated with the Rowan County High School FFA, and More
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment