Pike County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022

3039 - Essential Skill Development
3039.1) 75

Number of participants self-reporting increased comfort, focus, resilience.

3039.2) 98

Number of opportunities for creative expression

3039.3) 38

Number of participants self-reporting increased mindfulness

3039.4) 12

Number of participants reporting a change in the way they see their immediate surroundings

3039.5) 4

Number of participants self-reporting increased recognition of effects of patterns of negative thought

3039.6) 56

Number of participants reporting increased confidence, self-esteem

3039.7) 21

Number of participants reporting ability to handle and correct mistakes

3039.8) 80

Number of participants completing a project from start to finish

3039.9) 75

Number of participants reporting an increase in confidence

3039.10) 75

Number of participants reporting increased use of creativity

3039.11) 12

Number of participants reporting making deliberate choices

3039.13) 62

Number of participants reporting use of critical thinking skills

3039.14) 75

Number of participants reporting increased sense of belonging/support

Success Stories

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