Woodford County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022

1019 - Small Farm Diversification
1019.1) 6

Number of farmers who had better understanding of sustainable production systems because they attended Third Thursday events (KSU)

1019.11) 5

Number of farmers who have diversified their small farms, or added “new enterprises”

1019.121) 3

Number of farmers who implemented new practices as a result of attending Third Thursday events (KSU)

Success Stories

Living on a Few Acres Series

Author: Faye Kuosman

Major Program: Small Farm Diversification

Woodford County is becoming more urbanized, and the Horticulture and Agriculture Extension Agents get more questions from residents with small acreage who are considering what enterprise may be available to help supplement their income in the future. In response to this need, the Agriculture and Horticulture Agent developed a four-week series entitled ‘Living on a Few Acres’. The series was held at the Woodford County Extension Office. It opened with a session called “Where Do

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