Jackson County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
4031 - Communications and Expressive Arts | ||
4031.1) | 58 |
Number of youth who completed a speech or demonstration (PRACTICE) |
4031.2) | 19 |
Number of youth who completed a state fair arts, photography, or other visual arts project (PRACTICE) |
4031.11) | 0 |
Number of youth who completed a drama, music, or dance project (PRACTICE) |
4031.12) | 15 |
Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #6 “Is 4-H A place where you get to figure out things for yourself?” (SEEC) |
4031.14) | 15 |
Number of youth who indicated “yes or usually” to the Common Measures Experience Survey Question #13 “Is 4-H a place where you have a chance to be a leader?” (SEEC) |
Success Stories
Jackson County 4-H Leatherwork Program
Author: Kim Angel
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts

As the COVID-19 pandemic persists, children across the country are facing social isolation. During this time, Jackson County 4-H provided a virtual beginner leather working program to educate 4-H’ers on leatherwork skills while they were at home. Each participant received a leatherwork kit with six projects, stamping tools, and finishing products. The 4-H Program volunteer leader used the Colorado State University leatherwork curriculum to teach proper leatherwork techniques and procedures
Full Story
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