Graves County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

2038 - Child Development Programs
2038.4) 0

Based on observation, how many children increased their ability to express emotion after attending the program?

2038.3) 28

Based on observation and/or feedback from caregivers and/or teachers, how many children demonstrated improved early literacy skills? (i.e., phonological awareness, print awareness, narrative skills, vocabulary)

2038.2) 34

Based on observation and/or feedback from caregivers and/or teachers, how many children put new social-emotional skills into practice after completing the program? (i.e., self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making)

2038.1) 42

Based on observation, how many children improved their gross motor skills? (i.e., body, automation, cross lateral movement, locomotor, and stability)

Success Stories

Laugh & Learn Playdates

Author: Denise Wooley

Major Program: Child Development Programs

Laugh & Learn Playdates

Over the past five years (2015-2020), Kentucky has reported that only 52% of children attending kindergarten 42.2% in Graves County are actually prepared and equipped to succeed. In many Kentucky counties, limited resources or the environment may serve as barriers for healthy lifestyle choices related to early childhood development and physical activity. As an innovative strategy to improve early childhood development skills and increase kindergarten readiness with Graves County residents,

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