Being inside for long periods of time is a problem. This seems simple and the research is clear about the adverse change in physical, emotional, and mental health of youth and adults being indoors for significant amounts of time. Obesity in children has increased over the last two decades as a result of access to technology and the discouragement of adults to engage in free moving, free thinking play outside (; Tara West). Being outside corrects this issue and provides the resources
Michael Clarke, in an interview about the state of our knowledge regarding nature, described a new phenomena regarding the inability of individuals to know their local species of animals and plants. This disconnect from local natural systems prompted the Garrard County 4-H Youth Development (YD) Agent, in collaboration with the Garrard County FFA Advisor, to start and sustain an Envirothon Team at Garrard County High School. The program was implemented in 2016 and the inaugural group graduated,