Fulton County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

2082 - FCS Employment Skills
2082.1) 0

 Reported learning a new skill to prepare/improve themselves for the workforce

2082.2) 0

Gained new employment as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach

2082.3) 0

Gained an increase in salary/income as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach

2082.4) 18

Developed a resume as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach

2082.5) 0

Improved their job interview skills as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach.

2082.6) 0

Improved their professional skills (e.g., communication, networking, time management, and soft skills) as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach

2082.7) 0

Improved confidence to implement employment strategies

2082.8) 0

Learned strategies for managing their work-life responsibilities

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