Livingston County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018
4001 - 4-H Youth Development Programming | ||
4001.1) | 410 |
Number of youth who indicated they know how to use information they are given to make decisions |
4001.2) | 191 |
Number of youth who can comfortably talk to others about their thoughts and feelings |
4001.3) | 79 |
Number of youth who indicate they are connected to caring adults who are interested in their success |
4001.4) | 268 |
Number of youth who apply the skills learned in 4-H and in other activities at home, school or in the community |
4001.5) | 23 |
Number of youth who reported that they can set and accomplish a goal |
Success Stories
Despite significant personal challenges, a youth has bright future because of his club experience
Author: Dominique Wood
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

Livingston County is a rural county with a population of 9,200 people and a high percentage of poverty (14.5%). Livingston County 4-H strives to provide a variety of educational experiences to create opportunities for youth to discover their talents and career paths. The CHOPPED Cooking Club began in 2016 with ten youth ages 8 to 17. The group meets monthly to develop life skills and healthy eating habits as they prepare recipes. The club uses the CHOP CHOP Magazine and educati
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2018 Kentucky 4-H Summit
Author: Dominique Wood
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

Research suggests distinctive characteristics of young adolescents (middle school aged youth) regarding their physical, cognitive, moral, psychological, and social-emotional development, as well as spiritual development (Scales, 2010). Young adolescents (middle school aged youth) warrant educational experiences and schools that are organized to address their physical, intellectual, emotional/psychological, moral/ethical, spiritual, and social developmental characteristics (Caskey & Anfara, 2
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Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference offers County Youth insight into College Life
Author: Dominique Wood
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

Through the 94th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference, 4-H’ers from across the Commonwealth developed leadership and teamwork skills, improved communication skills, became involved in civic life, expanded knowledge related to a 4-H core content area: communication/citizenship, health, natural resources, agriculture, expressive arts, family consumer sciences, and science, engineering, and technology. The participants fostered a sense of belonging through networking, engaged in youth-adult pa
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4-H Camp Meeting the Needs of Youth and Adults at the County Level
Author: Dominique Wood
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

West Kentucky 4-H Camp serves 4-H guests for eight weeks of the Summer schedule for camping groups comprised of two to six counties and specialty groups. Livingston County 4-H clientele participated in Cloverbud Camp and 4-H Summer Camp with record attendance. According to the 2016 U.S. Census, 2017 estimated to have a poverty rate of 14.5% with a population of 9,269 in Livingston County. 4-H Camp fees have increased annually but still remain lower than competitive camps due to the efforts of th
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment