Marshall County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024
1032 - Master Gardener | ||
1032.4) | 556 |
Number of continuing education hours completed by Master Gardeners |
1032.1) | 33 |
Number of certified Master Gardeners and active volunteers |
1032.8) | 33 |
Number of Master Gardener volunteers who believe the Master Gardener program greatly improves the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service’s connection to the local community |
1032.5) | 19664 |
Number of direct contacts made by Master Gardeners |
1032.7) | 0 |
Number of Master Gardeners who completed a University of Kentucky Leadership Training Course |
1032.2) | 0 |
Number of people with less than 1 year as Master Gardener |
1032.9) | 33 |
Number of master gardener volunteers who believe they developed skills they can use in other areas of their lives |
1032.6) | 148629 |
Number of indirect contacts made by Master Gardeners |
1032.3) | 3195 |
Number of Master Gardener hours completed in county |
Success Stories
Master Gardeners Continue to Learn in New Ways
Author: Nicole Rhein
Major Program: Master Gardener
Master Gardeners are often long term volunteers for the Extension Service. Agents often find it difficult to teach new skills to veteran MG's once they have participated in Extension programs for many years. Marshall County ANR Agent, Nikki Rhein, researched new opportunities in an attempt to inspire and educate both her seasoned and newer volunteers alike.On July 12th, 2023, Nikki took her Master Gardeners (MG's) on a two day trip to Jackson, Tn. The trip included 3 educational stops. T
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Masters Gardeners Find Creative Ways to Educate
Author: Nicole Rhein
Major Program: Master Gardener

Home gardeners regularly call the Marshall County Extension Office asking how to properly take care of plants they have acquired. Often times, the plant information provided by a retailer fails to provide the necessary instruction needed to successfully grow the plant or has misleading/incorrect information.The Marshall Master Gardener Association (MMGA) offers a plant sale annually. This event has three goals. 3.) Provide an outlet for the community to purchase affordable plants with the intent
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment