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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

Boone County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

2056 - Financial Education - General
2056.1) 100

Number of individuals who gained knowledge related to financial management

2056.2) 28

Number of individuals who made a sound financial decision (regarding credit, budgeting, savings, and/or debt)

2056.3) 0

Number of those who have successfully completed financial management and/or career readiness programs that will help set future goals

2056.5) 0

Number of individuals who implemented at least one strategy to reduce expenses or manage money

2056.4) 43

Number of individuals who implemented strategies to avoid breaches in personal or financial security

2056.6) 144

Number of individuals who reported increased levels of understanding in the area: identifying estate planning strategies for the family, farming operation, or business

2056.7) 50

Number of individuals who took action toward implementing at least one estate planning strategy in regard to the subject matter presented

2056.8) 0

Dollars reported saved as a result of participating in a financial education program

2056.9) 238

Number of participants who attended age-related housing, financial, and estate planning programs not identified as a “major program.”  Major age-related programs include: Keys to Embracing Again, 10 Warning Signs, and AARP Prepare to Care

Success Stories

Small Home Equipment Series Raises Awareness and Empowers Users

Author: Diane Mason

Major Program: Financial Education - General

According to marketing research firm Modor Intelligence, the Unites States small kitchen appliance market is witnessing huge growth, innovation and consumer engagement. Consumer buying patterns include growth in the percentage of buyers purchasing housewares online. In addition, the trend of small kitchen appliances is gaining momentum among millennials, as they look for small space appliances that use less energy and are useful in smaller homes. Earlier research from Utah State University found

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End-of-Life Planning

Author: Diane Mason

Major Program: Financial Education - General

End-of-Life Planning

Discussing end-of-life wishes and plans can be uncomfortable, but important. With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting individuals and families in a variety of ways, planning for end-of-life became a focus for many. According to LegalZoom ( the pandemic increased the number of people who have created a will or estate plan, but many American remain without. It is estimated that 30 percent of Americans don’t know if their parents have a will; only 41 percent of those over 55 hav

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