Clark County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

1072 - Forages
1072.7) 0

Number of producers who planted or started using any alternative forage for grazing

1072.5) 65

Number of producers who used temporary fencing  

1072.4) 34

Number of producers who developed or implemented a grazing plan

1072.3) 5

Number of producers who used Extension recommendations to improve quality of haylage/silage storage  

1072.2) 61

Number of people who made decisions based on Extension research including interseeding clover/legume, using cover crops and/or alternate forage species

1072.1) 105

Number of people who gained knowledge of forage production, management and/or profitability which could include species, best management practices for species, forage harvest and storage, pasture renovation

1072.6) 2

Number of producers who conducted on-farm demonstrations or applied research trials  

Success Stories

Pastures Please

Author: Levi Berg

Major Program: Forages

The ANR Equine Agents Working Group, Extension Specialists and Associates, planned the annual Pastures Please! Workshop. This was the 16th year for the workshop and typically takes place at one of the extension offices in central KY. As a result of efforts from the working group, this year the workshop was held in two locations - Fayette County and Livingston County. In the future the group would like to add a location in eastern KY. This workshop typically focuses on horse pasture management an

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