Christian County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

1086 - Community Vitality and Leadership - ANR
1086.1) 75

Number of individuals that take on formal or informal leadership roles as a result of participation in an Extension leadership program

1086.2) 75

Number of strategies adopted and implemented to improve the community

1086.3) 75

Number of empowered individuals engaged in coalitions or organizations to address a significant community issue

1086.4) 75

Number of volunteers addressing community issues by assessing needs, developing programs and/or implementing solutions

Success Stories

Outdoor Cooking

Author: Matthew Futrell

Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership - ANR

Youth in every county are always looking for more activities to do outside so what better way then offering a program during spring break for “Outdoor Cooking”. This was a partnership between one of the Christian County 4-H Youth Development Agents and the Agricultural Natural Resource Agent. We wanted to create a program for youth in Christian County to learn the safety of cooking outdoors, how to start and put out a fire, lighting charcoal, outdoor handwashing skills, cooler packin

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