Bullitt County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018

4021 - Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
4021.1) 116

Number of youth that have improved their communication skills

4021.2) 52

Number of youth that can express themselves through the arts

4021.3) 122

Number of youth that have confidence speaking in front of groups

Success Stories

Market Yourself for your Future Career!

Author: David Littlejohn

Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum

With Bullitt County having a significantly low unemployment rate (4.2% as of May 2018-US Labor Statistics) it is often misunderstood that jobs are plentiful and non competitive.  In reality, even entry level jobs are competitive.  According to theladders.com (HR portal and Professional Recruitment Company) Entry level jobs often have 115 applicants for one job.  Of the 115 applicants, often only 4-5% are selected for initial interviews.  For a new High School, or College grad

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