Bullitt County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
2066 - Accessing Nutritious Foods (general) | ||
2066.2) | 0 |
Number of individuals who reported eating more healthy foods |
2066.1) | 0 |
Number of families/caregivers who reported supplementing their diets with healthy foods that they grew or preserved (community or backyard gardens, fishing, hunting, farmers markets) |
2066.9) | 0 |
Number of individuals who reported eating 4-6 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily |
2066.8) | 0 |
Number of first time growers or those who haven’t grown in five or more years |
2066.7) | 0 |
Number of families who grew a garden this year |
2066.5) | 0 |
Dollars in EBT, WIC or Senior benefits redeemed at farmers markets |
2066.3) | 3 |
Number of individuals reporting that they utilized delivery systems/access points (e.g. farmer’s markets, CSA’s WIC, Food Pantry) that offer healthy foods |
2066.4) | 1 |
Number of individuals who reported increased knowledge, skills or intentions related to using the nutrition facts label |
Success Stories
Knowing your Limits
Author: Marcia Moss
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
The Bullitt County Extension Office and the Mount Washington Branch of the Bullitt County Public Library partnered to bring Healthy Choices for Everybody./Nutrition 101 to the branch.One of the lessons presented was Know your Limits. Using test tubes with fat, sugar, salt and a power point the class was given a visual of the amounts that are in our every day foods.The week after presenting Know your Limits one of the woman came up and said that after hearing and seeing how much salt, fat and sug
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Nutrition Education helps pack a Lunch
Author: Ruth Chowning
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
As the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the Bullitt County Food Service program found themselves preparing and delivering over 6,000 meals to children qualified for the free and reduced lunches throughout the county. As they began the process, the Food Service Director identified the need for a fun but educational flyer to be include with the meals. Since the foodservice employees were focused on preparing the food, the Bullitt County Extension Service offered to provide that educational flyer. For
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Social Distancing/Social Media
Author: Marcia Moss
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Due to the corona virus all classes were cancelled towards the end of March 2020. The Bullitt County Nutrition Education Program started a FaceBook page the first of April to reach out to the community and current clients.The goal was to post recipes and helpful tips that could be taken and used in every day life just as if regular classes were being taught. Since April till the end of June 2020 there have been 10,040 indirect contacts with 1,907 of those being SNAP-ED eligible. The page wi
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment