4021 - Agriculture & Natural Resources | ||
4021.1) | 507 |
Number of Youth (5-18) engaged in AG 4-H programming |
4021.2) | 4 |
Number of Volunteers (19+) engaged in AG 4-H programming |
4021.3) | 924 |
Number of Youth (5-18) engaged in NR 4-H programming |
4021.4) | 32 |
Number of Volunteers (19+) engaged in NR 4-H programming |
Author: Ryan Spicer
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
The problem: Kentucky is 48% forested and is known as having one of the most diverse hardwood species mix in the nation. Kentucky’s woodlands are vital, providing homes to a wide diversity of wildlife, protecting our water resources, and providing clean air. In addition, the forestry sector contributed an estimated $14.6 billion in total economic contribution in 2015, and provided over 28,400 jobs in the forest industry and more than 57,000 jobs overall.The educational program respons
Author: Ryan Spicer
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
The problem: Livestock and livestock products account for about half of Kentucky’s farm income.The educational program response: Therefore, the role of livestock and livestock projects in the Kentucky 4-H curriculum is fundamentally important. Youth must understand the role of agriculture in their daily lives, and the importance of livestock and livestock products in the type, kind and quality of the foods that they eat.The participants/target audience:To ensure this is accomplished
Author: Ryan Spicer
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
The problem: The Kentucky 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Academy (NRESci) strives to increase environmental literacy among youth in Kentucky. Every five years (since 1999) the Kentucky Environmental Education Council (KEEC) conducts a survey to assess Kentuckian’s environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. According to KEEC’s 2020-2025 Environmental Education Master Plan (2020), “… the average Kentuckian is able to answer correctly slightly less