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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

Bracken County CES Program Indicators and Success StoriesJul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

1072 - Forages
1072.11) 16

Number of producers adopting practices that improve profitability

1072.12) 12

Number of producers utilizing UK diagnostic service for weed ID and control

1072.13) 2

Number of producers utilizing UK diagnostic services for plant disease control and management

1072.15) 1

Number of producers conducting on farm demonstrations or applied research trials

1072.16) 22

Number of producers adopting practices that improve environmental quality

1072.17) 0

Number of producers who reported improved record-keeping practices

1072.18) 4

Number of producers who reported saving money or reducing cost of operation

1072.1) 24

Number of producers adopting improved grazing system practices

1072.10) 9

Number of producers utilizing improved forage species for pasture or hay

1072.9) 5

Number of producers adopting improved practices to manage endophyte-infected tall fescue

1072.8) 11

Number of producers adopting one or more best management practices for optimum forage establishment for pasture or hay

1072.7) 9

Number of producers adopting improved varieties

1072.5) 35

Number of producers adopting improved hay storage practices

1072.4) 5

Number of producers utilizing ration balancing to improve livestock nutrition

1072.3) 12

Number of producers testing stored forage

1072.2) 18

Number of producers adopting practices to improve grazing infrastructure (fences, water)

1072.6) 24

Number of producers adopting haylage/silage for improved forage quality and storage

Success Stories

Forage Danger Awareness

Author: David Appelman

Major Program: Forages

Due to the recent drought, available forage for grazing livestock is being sought by everyone at this time, but there are major concerns with certain types of grass.  The Buffalo Trace Ag Agents hosted their annual Farm School for Women and the topic for the second meeting was pasture management.  This included a farm tour that looked at various pasture management issues including the use of annuals such as sorghum / sudan grass to fill the summer grazing needs.  Because

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Pasture Weed Control

Author: David Appelman

Major Program: Forages

The Bracken County Extension Service hosted a workshop on Pasture Weed Control to help producers understand both why pasture weeds are more prevalent, and how to mitigate weeds through various methods.  In recent years, pasture weed pressure has increased, and most of the reason is due to winter feeding damage.  Excessive wet winters have resulted in the destruction of sod around feeding areas.Without grass competition, weeds take advantage of open spaces and crowd out any remaining gr

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Forage Transition Plan

Author: David Appelman

Major Program: Forages

After many years of using corn silage to feed stocker cattle on a local farm operation, they wanted to transition their fields to a permanent grass and simplify their operation to a fall calving cow herd.  The problem was each year, the corn silage harvest was too late to plant forage grasses.The Bracken County Extension Service help put together a plan to generate summer forage and allow for a fall seeding that would fill the need for future hay and pasture needs. The use of a warm se

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