Developing Leadership and Volunteerism
Volunteer and Leadership Enhancement
Adam Estes, Sonya Carter, Julia Wilson
Family and Consumer Science
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
The 4-H National Youth Council on leadership conducted an online survey by Harris Poll among 1,501 9th through 12th grade students. The study found that most youth (96%) think leadership is important to addressing the country’s most pressing issues; but only one in three young people says they have the skills they need to be prepared to lead.
Development of leadership contributes greatly to the positive development of the youth and their communities. Helping young people to develop leadership skills helps them to learn to solve community problems and enhances their citizen participation. Developing self-confidence can be incredibly difficult for some people. Surrounded by peer pressure and negative influences, many teenagers struggle to voice their opinions and see their worth. An effective leadership development program such as 4-H teaches young people and adults that they have the potential to lead others, empowering them to feel confident in their beliefs. As they apply these leadership skills in school and their extracurricular activities, their confidence will continue to grow (Empower). Kentucky 4-H and the Cooperative Extension Service provides youth opportunities to engage in developmentally appropriate experiences to advance their leadership skills.
Adult volunteers are important in building engaged and empowered communities. Volunteers that develop leadership skills and take an active role in their community help make a difference in the future. Serving on councils, leadership boards and participating in community programs help citizens feel more engaged in the community they live in.
- Youth will use skills learned through youth development programs to obtain job or careers in related fields
- Youth and adults will serve as teen and adult leaders in their communities, community organizations, and as mentors for younger youth.
- Youth and adults will demonstrate the understanding of diversity, inclusivity and multiculturalism in their daily life.
- Youth and adults will identify and address critical issues that impact the community
- Youth and adults will be productive, contributing adults in the future.
- Youth and adults will use leadership and communications skills needed to be successful in the workplace on a daily basis. Intermediate goals/outcomes:
- Adults and youth will demonstrate leadership, teamwork and communication skills needed to be successful in the workplace on a daily basis
- Local communities’ health and economy are strengthened through strong local organizational leadership
- Youth and adults will put skills into practice by becoming more engaged and taking on leadership roles.
- Youth and adults will demonstrate leadership, teamwork and communication skills in their day to day lives.
- Youth will utilize leadership skills learned during their time in 4-H in clubs, activities and other venues with 4-H and other community organizations.
- Senior 4-H members will become leaders or co-leaders of a 4-H project club, day camp or other project based group of younger 4-H members.
- Youth and adults will indicate increased awareness of diversity issues in their community and personal lives.
- Youth and adults will engage in community based service projects selected to address identified needs.
- Improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and needs.
- Apply skills to assess needs, develop programs and implement solutions for community problems
- Youth and adults will learn the communication, leadership and procedural skills that will allow them to run a meeting.
- Youth and adults will increase their knowledge about leadership and how to be an effective leader, team player and communicator.
- Youth will learn about leadership styles and will be able to identify positive and negative leadership characteristics.
- Youth and adults will learn about diversity and will demonstrate inclusivity.
- Adults and youth will acquire decision making skills and gain an appreciation for civic engagement.
- Adults and youth will learn how to set appropriate, attainable goals.
- KEHA and FCS Advisory Council members increase knowledge and skills in organizational leadership.
- Trained volunteers will become active in Extension and other community leadership roles to address community issues.
- Youth become more engaged as a leader in their community.
- The number of individuals participating and taking active leadership roles in Leadership Hart County, Teen Leadership Hart County, leadership roles in 4-H, Homemakers, Extension Council, District Board and other Extension activities will increase
- Written evaluations and personal contact to show knowledge gained and to identify practice and social changes
- Number of youth and adults who serve as group leaders or committees
- Number of youth and adults that serve as mentors to one or more younger youth
Timeline: July 2024 – June 2025
Audience: Youth and Adults
Project or Activity: 4-H Camp Leaders Training
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Camp Training and Youth Protection Training
Inputs: 4-H Council
Date: Summer 2025
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Homemaker Leader Trainings
Content or Curriculum: KEHA Materials
Inputs: Homemaker Council
Date: June 2024 to July 2025
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Hart County 4-H Teen Leadership Club
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Unlock Your Leadership Potential and Step
Up to Leadership
Inputs: Hart County School System
Date: October 2024 – May 2025Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: 4-H Council
Content or Curriculum: Conduct and identify issues relating to 4-H and
youth programming.
Inputs: 4-H Council
Date: September 2024– August 2025
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: 4-H Leader Training
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Project Book Curriculum
Inputs: 4-H Leaders; 4-H Council
Date: August 2024
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Homemaker Council Meetings
Content or Curriculum: KEHA Plan of Work
Inputs: Local and Area Homemakers
Date: July 2024 – June 2025
Audience: Youth and Adults
Project or Activity: Master Clothing Volunteer
Content or Curriculum: Quilting, Clothing Structure
Inputs: Homemakers, 4-H Members
Date: July 2024– June 2025Audience: Youth and Adults
Project or Activity: Health and Wellness Volunteer
Content or Curriculum: Extension Health and Wellness Ambassador
Inputs: Youth and Adults
Date: July 2023 – June 2024
Author: Sonya Carter
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Describe the Issue or Situation.Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable).Provide the Number and Description(s) of Participants/Target Audience.Provide a Statement of Outcomes or Program Impact. Please note that the outcomes statement must use evaluation data to describe the change(s) that occurred in individuals, groups, families, businesses, or in the community because of the program/outreach.