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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Community Engagement and Economic DevelopmentPlan of Work

Harrison County CES

Community Engagement and Economic Development
Community Development
Agents Involved:
Jessica Barnes, Jessica Sayre, Shannon Farrell, Shelley Meyer
Family and Consumer Science
Business Retention and Expansion
Building Healthy Coalitions
Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General

Activities and events are being held in Harrison County, many of them free to the public, to promote the wellbeing of the residents and the community. However, more opportunity is always requested.

Long-Term Outcomes:

The community will work together to offer more programs and awareness resulting in an increased overall wellbeing.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Increased communication and interaction with elected officials and underserved populations.

Initial Outcomes:

Create awareness and educate the community on resources available to them.


Initial Outcome: Increased attendance at community and extension events

Indicator: New and improved programs offered by extension office, Public Library, Chamber of Commerce

Method: attendance and registration statistics

Timeline: All Year

Intermediate Outcome: Increased Citizen Participation

Indicator: Farmer's Market Participation, New City Park Improvements. Volunteers continue to participate

Method: Sign-in sheets, phone calls, website hits, news articles, and visits to Extension Office. A perceived more positive attitude about community

Timeline: 4 years or longer

Long-term Outcome: Community Improvements made

Indicator: Community beautification, County and City cleanup, business networking, infrastructure improvements, park development, grants received

Method: Observation and personal testing

Timeline: 3-5 years

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Community

Project or Activity: Continue to develop vision and needs for the future.

Content or Curriculum: Develop vision and needs for next 20 years.

Inputs: Agents, community members, local councils

Date: Ongoing

Audience: Community members

Project or Activity: Media

Content or Curriculum: Radio, Newspaper, Newsletter, Electronic Sign promoting Harrison County activities

Inputs: Agents, paid staff, The Democrat, WCYN radio

Date: July-June

Audience: Public

Project or Activity: Website/ Social Media

Content or Curriculum: Extension to develop and link to other sites related to Harrison County. Update as needed.

Inputs: Extension staff

Date: July-June

Audience: Community members and leaders

Project or Activity: Grant Writing/Resource Acquisition

Content or Curriculum: Guide leaders as they seek dollars for action plans

Inputs: Community leaders

Date: July-June

Audience: Public

Project or Activity: Sponsor Community Blood Drive

Content or Curriculum: Commitment to the Community, work with Central Kentucky Blood Center

Inputs: Central Kentucky Blood Center

Date: 3 to 4 times during the year

Audience: Community members

Project or Activity: Community Health Fairs

Content or Curriculum: Preventative Health

Inputs: Harrison Memorial Hospital, Health providers, volunteers

Date: June

Audience: 4th and 5th grade students

Project or Activity: Safety Day

Content or Curriculum: Prevention

Inputs: local businesses, emergency services, volunteers

Date: Septemeber

Audience: Public

Project or Activity:  Harrison County Beef Day

Content or Curriculum: Create Awareness about the Beef Industry and where food comes from

Inputs: Harrison County Beef Cattle Association, Ag Council, Farm supply stores, local vets, volunteers, Homemakers

Date: May

Audience: Public

Project or Activity:  Honey Festival

Content or Curriculum: Homemaker awareness, cookoff

Inputs: Beekeepers Association, Harrison County Homemakers, volunteers

Date: September

Audience: Public

Project or Activity: Harrison County Fairgrounds

Content or Curriculum: Advise leaders as they seek funding and development.

Inputs: District Board members, Cooperative Extension Council

Date: All Year

Audience: 4-H members

Project or Activity: 4-H Teen Council

Content or Curriculum: Step Up to Leadership

Inputs: 4-H UK Specialists, neighboring 4-H agents and programs, Kentucky 4-H, SRTLC, Teen Retreat, Middle School Retreat, Teen Summit, Teen Conference, Leadership Bootcamp, State Teen Council, Area Teens, Fashion Leadership Board

Date: All Year

Audience: 4-H members

Project or Activity: Chamber/4-H Young Entrepreneurs

Content or Curriculum: Build Your Future Curriculum, Marketing, Vendor opportunities, presentation skills

Inputs: 4-H UK Specialists, Chamber of Commerce, 4-H Volunteers, Field and Main Bank, Melinda's Boutique, Real Estate Agent, local businesses

Date: All Year

Success Stories

Breaking the Barriers

Author: Shelley Meyer

Major Program: Substance Use Recovery - FCS

Describe the Issue or Situation.Substance use continues to be a major public health issue that affects individuals, families, and communities across socioeconomic spectrum. Despite the availability of treatment resources, significant barriers persist that hinder access to effective support and recovery services, including stigma, lack of awareness about available resources, socioeconomic challenges, and insufficient integration of mental health care. Addressing these barriers is essential for fa

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Support local businesses through Tea Party Events

Author: Shelley Meyer

Major Program: Economic and Business Development - CED

Support local businesses through Tea Party Events

Describe the Issue or Situation.           Cynthiana’s revitalization has boomed over the past 15 years. With a staggering number of new small businesses, Cynthiana has continued to grow and develop even during the recent covid pandemic. However, small businesses often face various challenges that can significantly impact their growth, stability, and success like competing with larger businesses and offsetting expenses with feasible customer prices. Oppor

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Chamber and 4-H Partner for Young Entrepreneur Business Success

Author: Shannon Farrell

Major Program: Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development

Chamber and 4-H Partner for Young Entrepreneur Business Success

Cynthiana, KY is a town that has been flourishing in economic development, locally owned businesses, and increased tourism over the past decade. In 2021 the birth of the Harrison County 4-H Entrepreneur Club was born at a brainstorming meeting that included Chamber, Tourism, FCS Agent, and 4-H Agent.   All agreed that with downtown moving in the right direction it was the ideal time to create an opportunity to foster an environment for the young people in Harrison County to share in the lov

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Giant Pumpkin Contest and Teal Pumpkin Project Trunk or Treat

Author: Jessica Hopkins

Major Program: Community Engagement

Giant Pumpkin Contest and Teal Pumpkin Project Trunk or Treat

Describe the Issue or SituationCynthiana and Harrison County, Kentucky, are well-known for their fall festivities, earning the title of the #1 Fall Destination in the state. To enhance community engagement during the fall season, the Harrison County Extension Office sought new ways to participate in local traditions. After discussions with the Tourism Director, the idea of hosting a Giant Pumpkin Contest emerged, which evolved in its second year to include a Teal Pumpkin Trunk or Treat event for

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Giant Pumpkin Contest and Teal Pumpkin Project Trunk or Treat

Author: Shelley Meyer

Major Program: Community Engagement

Giant Pumpkin Contest and Teal Pumpkin Project Trunk or Treat

Describe the Issue or SituationCynthiana and Harrison County, Kentucky, are well-known for their fall festivities, earning the title of the #1 Fall Destination in the state. To enhance community engagement during the fall season, the Harrison County Extension Office sought new ways to participate in local traditions. After discussions with the Tourism Director, the idea of hosting a Giant Pumpkin Contest emerged, which evolved in its second year to include a Teal Pumpkin Trunk or Treat event for

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