Expanding Opportunities for Technology, Sustainability, and Environmental StewardshipPlan of Work

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Hopkins County CES

Expanding Opportunities for Technology, Sustainability, and Environmental Stewardship
Environmental Quality, Education, and Innovation
Agents Involved:
Connor Cooper, Erika Wood, and Amanda Dame.
Chemical Management
Water and Soil Quality and Conservation

Producers, Youth, and Citizens will learn scientific research techniques, responsible practices and innovative technologies that positively address science, environmental and technology issues in Kentucky. In addition to technology and its incorporation, other issues that clients in Hopkins County have expressed interest in include water quality, pesticide safety, and sustainable practices. Developing and implementing Agriculture Water Quality Plans and Nutrient Management Plans can help farmers stay compliant with state laws, protect water quality, improve farm operations, and maximize profits. Educational programs for agricultural producers include county producer meetings, Master Gardener classes, and community coalitions. Collaborations with conservation districts and USDA service centers will strengthen county programs and maximize opportunities for farmers.  Hopkins County Youth can learn about agriculture practices and how farmers continue to be successful in today's society.  They are also able to learn more about water quality and how agriculture ties into this. 

Long-Term Outcomes:

Reduce environmental impact to water, soil, or air

Protect and improve water quality

Maximize profits for Agriculture producers

Educate Youth on efficient production methods

Increase understanding of various production methods

Provide localized research-based production information to aid producers in production decisions.

Volunteers extend the educational outreach of the Cooperative Extension Service in areas such as community gardens, youth gardening, environmentally sustaining lawn and garden practices, and other topics.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Develop or update plans

•Urban Environments (water issues)

•Nutrient Management

•Implement Ag Water Quality Plans

Evaluate weather and physical conditions when making decisions

•Evaluate problem areas during seasons of challenging weather (excess rainfall, drought, etc.)

•Evaluate chemical storage, handling, and disposal

Participants (certified EMG volunteers) put into practice the skills learned when completing volunteer hours and working with clientele.

Youth put into practice knowledge and skills necessary regarding sounds environmental practices.

Initial Outcomes:

Understand importance of clean water

Increase knowledge of best management practices for protecting and improving water quality

Demonstrate proper use of

sprayers and equipment related to application (calibration, nozzle selection, boom height, etc.)

Identify active ingredients in chemical products and relate to modes of action

Read and comprehend directions for applying chemicals (timing, application conditions)


Initial Outcome: Increased knowledge of Environmental laws, regulations and proper practices

Indicator: Surveys and certification completion

Method: Private applicator trainings and clinics

Intermediate Outcome: Increased knowledge of local production practices and roles

Indicator: Master Gardener certification and participation; BQA Certification and Master Grazer programming

Method: EMG Curriculum, Meetings and Field Days

Long-term Outcome: Reduce environmental impact to water, soil, or air. Increase profits for agriculture enterprises

Indicator: CEDIK Survey Data, Ag Census Data, Hay Testing Program, Farmer's Market Productivity, and Producer profitability

Method: Surveys, ON-site visits, Client adoption of practices and shared-use equipment usage rates.

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Grain Crop Producers, Home Owners, and Commercial Vegetable Producers

Project or Activity: Private Applicator Trainings, podcasts

Content or Curriculum: Pesticide Training Modules

Inputs: Extension Agents, County Extension Office, Shared-use demonstrations and supplies

Time Frame: All Year

Audience: Master Gardeners

Project or Activity: Spring Lawn and Garden Fair/ Community Gardens/Plant Swaps

Content or Curriculum: Efficient and Sustainable Produce Production Methods

Inputs: Hands-on Activities, Field Days, Trainings, and Certifications

Time Frame: All Year

Audience: Hopkins County Youth and 4-H Members

Project or Activity: SET and Natural Resources programming, 4-H Farm Day, 4-H Water Quality Day

Content or Curriculum: Environment and SET Core curriculum

Inputs: Agents, Specialists, Field Days, Community Partnership and Trips

Time Frame: Fall

Audience: Families and individuals 

Project or Activity: Weekly Podcast

Content or Curriculum: UK Extension Resource, Curriculum, and other National resources

Inputs: FCS Agents in Hopkins, Caldwell, Livingston, and Christian Counties.  

Time Frame: All year

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