Horticulture ProductionPlan of Work

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Monroe County CES

Horticulture Production
Agents Involved:
Kevin Lyons
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Local Food Systems
Small Farm Diversification

There is increasing interest among many residents in producing or purchasing their food locally. People want to know where their food comes from, who is producing it, and that it is safe. The need for increased educational efforts in home horticulture production is very apparent.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Families will become more sustainable by producing more of their own food.

Home gardening production will increase the quality and quantity of local foods available.

There will be an increase in the amount of locally produced fruits and vegetables.

Consumers will improve their overall health.

Producers will increase their profitability.

Intermediate Outcomes:

There will be an increase in the percentage of the population that produces some of their own food.

More people will develop a home garden.

Clientele will produce more fresh fruits.

More local and fresh foods will be consumed.

Initial Outcomes:

Increased knowledge about organic foods.

Increase clientele home gardening skills.

Increase awareness and knowledge about small fruit production.

Increase tree fruit production.


Initial Outcome: Increase in knowledge gained about home horticulture. 

Indicator: Attendance at educational programs

Method: Attendance records

Timeline: Annually

Intermediate Outcome: The number of home gardens and will increase.

Indicator: Reports from clients

Method: Surveys

Timeline: Annually

Long-term Outcome: Increase in the number of high tunnels; home gardens; and home orchards

Indicator: Reports from producers

Method: Surveys

Timeline: Annually

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Gardening Enthusiasts

Project or Activity: Master Gardener

Content or Curriculum: UK gardening resources and publications

Inputs: W8 Area Agents; UK Specialists

Date: Fall 2024

Audience: Small fruit producers

Project or Activity: Field day programs 

Content or Curriculum: Extension materials

Inputs: W8 Area Agents; UK specialists

Date: Spring 2025

Audience: Tree fruit producers

Project or Activity: Basic pruning workshops

Content or Curriculum: Extension materials

Inputs: Area Agents

Date: Winter 2025

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