Leadership DevelopmentPlan of Work

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Ohio County CES

Leadership Development
Building Stronger Communities
Agents Involved:
Greg Comer, ANR Agent; Gary Druin 4-H Youth Development; Nan Montgomery, FCS Agent
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Family and Consumer Science

Building the capacity of community members within our county is critical for the sustainability of the community infrastructure that supports the long term commitment to strengthen youth, families, farms, businesses and community organizations. The Cooperative Extension Service seeks to empower these community members to develop to exercise or develop creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration skills, and increase their involvement in their community. When people are confident and capable in presenting their thoughts and feelings, they are more likely to accept roles of responsibility in their communities and enhance their contributions to society. Research shows that 44% of adults volunteer at some point in their lives. The 3 levels of involvement in community leadership are participation, group leadership, and community leadership. Leadership is a needed and important programming emphasis in Kentucky Extension and 4-H, and provide opportunities for youth and families to help improve their leader ship ability and create a positive impact on their future.  Leadership and Communication skills are a core content area in the 4-H Youth Development Program, and the development of communication and leadership skills are the preeminent skills necessary to grow as an individual, a leader, and become a valued community member. Kentucky Extension provide opportunites to exercise critical thinking skills, learn to appreciate diversity, practice tolerance, develop socio-ecomomicallyand strive to contribute to their communities. 

Long-Term Outcomes:

* Civic engagement is possible and desirable and encourages community members to engage others to initiate projects to address critical issues that impact the community and become productive, contributing citizens. 

*Communities are equipped with competent, effective leaders in their communities, community organizations, and as mentors for adults and younger youth.  

* Youth and adults will demonstrate a practical understanding of diversity, tolerance, inclusivity, and multiculturalism in their daily life.

* Youth and adults will use leadership and communications skills be successful in the workplace and community on a daily basis.

Youth and adults will utilize the skills gained through education and involvement in Extension programs to serve as leaders in 4-H, other organizations, and their community.

Intermediate Outcomes:

* Youth and adults put skills into practice by becoming more engaged, takinging on leadership roles that will demonstrate leadership, teamwork and communication skills in their day to day lives.

*Youth and adults will initiate projects that will address identified needs of their community

* Youth and adults will utilize leadership skills learned during their time in community organizations, 4-H clubs, activities and other venues in their daily lives.

* Youth and adults will improve skills in problem solving in addressing community issues and needs, and engage in civic involvement. 

* Youth and adults are inclusive of all individuals and will indicate an increased awareness of diversity issues in their community and personal lives

* Youth develop a speech that has a clear introduction, body and closing and present the speech before their family, a group of their peers at

school or county qualifying event.

Initial Outcomes:

* Youth and adults are informed of community systems, are better connected to communication networks, are more confident and skilled in identifying and implementing strategies for change in their community. 

* Youth and adults increase knowledge of effective leadership skills, through communication, leadership and procedural skills that will allow them to facilitate a meeting.

* Youth and adults will enhance their knowledge about leadership and how to be an effective leader, team member and communicator.

* Youth and adults will learn about leadership styles and will be able to identify positive and negative leadership characteristics.

* Youth and adults will learn about diversity  and will demonstrate inclusivity and understanding of people have different ideas and beliefs..

* Youth and adults will acquire decision making skills and gain an appreciation for civic engagement. Youth research a presentation topic prior to developing a speech or demonstration, nd then be prepared to present the speech to an audience.


Evaluation –

Initial Outcome: Youth and adults will learn leadership skills.

Indicator: Youth and adults will  become more engaged as a leader in their community (planning a service project, serving as a mentor, increasing participation in local, district and state levels) by learning  the skills necessary to serve as a leader. 

Method: Survey of skills learned, 4-H Common Measures survey, Program Indicators, Number of youth and adults whos served as leaders in their community. 

Timeline: All Year

Evaluation -

Initial Outcome: Learn Communication skills

Indicator: Youth and adults will learn the skills necessary to organize and present a program, speech, demonstration, power point before an audience or group.

Method: 4-H Common Measures Survey, Number Presentations completed, Program indicators and surveys. 

Timeline: All Year

Evaluation -

Intermediate Outcome: Learning Extension Leadership roles

Indicator: Youth and adults will commit to leadership roles in Extension Clubs, Program Councils, and Advisory Groups

Method:  Leader  Evaluations, Leadership roles in Extension Program Areas, Program Councils and Community events, 4-H Common Measures Survey and/or Leader Evaluation

Timeline: All Year

Evaluation -

Intermediate Outcome: Utilize Presentation skills with an audience

Indicator: Adults and Youth will present a program speech, demonstration , power point presentation and/or oral reasons in front of a club, advisory group, or audience

Method: Completion of project and/or survey, 4-H Common Measures Survey, Number of youth or adults who served as club officers, committee chair, or serve on a program council or board. 

Timeline: All Year


Long-Term Outcome: Use Communication skills in Leadership roles

Indicator: Adults and Youth utilizing communications skills will provide leadership to extension groups and committees and engage others with their leadership and communication skills.

Method: Numbert of youth or adults who serve as club officers, committee members, or serve on a program council or board. Involvement in groups and activities, surveys, records of clubs and councils., 4-H Common Measures Survey

Timeline: All year

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Youth

Project or Activity: 4-H Communications/Expressive Arts, 4-H Project Day Camps, 4-H Workshops

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Communication Curriculum Module 1, 2, and 3. Expressive Arts, Portfolio Pathways, Photography 1-3, Preforming Arts

Inputs: Youth, Adults, Volunteers, Extension Staff

Date: All Year

Audience: Youth and Adults

Project or Activity: 4-H Volunteer Leadership Training,  4-H Teen Leadership Academy, 4-H Team Challenge Camp)

Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Leadership and Extension Leadership (KELD), Kentucky 4-H Volunteer Training Modules (Near Pod)

Inputs: Youth, Adults, Community Leaders, Extension Staff

Date: September 

Audience: Youth and Adults

Project or Activity: 4-H Club Officer Training, 4-H Teen Leadership Academy, 4-H Team Challenge Camp

Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Leadership, 4-H Club Manual, and Extension Leadership (KELD)

Inputs: Youth, Adults, Community Leaders, Extension Staff

Date: Fall 2024

Audience: Teens and Adults

Project or Activity: 4-H Camp Volunteer Leaders

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Camp Volunteer Leader Training Manual and 4-H Camper Training

Inputs: Youth, Teens, Adults, Extension Staff

Date: May-June 2025

Audience: Teens and Adult Volunteers

Project or Activity: Horse Judging/Hippology Team/ Livestock Judging Skill-a-Thon Teams, Livestock/Horse Projects

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Animal Science/ and 4-H Horse Curriculum

Inputs: Certified Horse and Livestock Leaders, Extension Staff

Date: All Year

Audience: Ohio Co. Homemaker Members/Officers & Chairman

Project or Activity: Homemaker Leadership Training

Content or Curriculum: KEHA Training Toolkit, KEHA Manual, KEHA Website, KELD Curriculum. 

Inputs: State KEHA officers/chairman, Kelly May KEHA state advisor, Green River Area FCS Agents, FCS Program Assistant 

Date: August 2024

Audience: County Extension Council and Program Councils

Project or Activity: Annual Leadership Training

Content or Curriculum: Empowering Community Leaders

Inputs: Agents, Local and State Government

Date: Fall/Winter 2024, Spring 2025

Audience: Ohio County Ag Development Council

Project or Activity: New Member Leadership Update

Content or Curriculum: Leadership Training 

Inputs: Agent

Date: Spring 2025

Audience: Ohio County FCS  Council

Project or Activity: Leadership 

Content or Curriculum: Provides input and advise to help implement FCS Extension programs  

Inputs: Agent and community members

Date:  Fall 2025

Audience: Ohio County 4-H Council Officers & Members

Project or Activity: 4-H Council Leadership Training

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Council Training Toolkit, 4-H Teams, 4-H Core Curriculum

Inputs: Kentucky 4-H, W5 4-H agents, 4-H Agent, 4-H  Program Assistant 

Date: September-October 2025

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