Tourism; Farmer's Market; Economic Development; Ag Diversification; AgritourismPlan of Work

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Ohio County CES

Tourism; Farmer's Market; Economic Development; Ag Diversification; Agritourism
Empowering Local Citizens
Agents Involved:
Greg Comer, ANR Agent; Gary Druin, 4-H Agent; FCS Agent, Nan Montgomery
Local Food Systems
Agritourism Planning
Trail Design
Economic Development

Assisting farm families and small businesses to remain economically viable and providing more entertainment/ tourism opportunities have been identified as major needs for Ohio County. Changes in Kentucky’s agricultural structure, have lead producers to alternative enterprises and increased interest in diversification. Ohio County has seen a gradual increase in tourism expenditures, in recent years, with over $11 million spent in the county in 2014. The county is strategically situated to take advantage of tourism opportunities, being located at the intersection of the Ford and Natcher Parkways, with the Natcher Pkwy to be reclassified as an I-65 spur. It also has major river ways, in the Green River, as the southern-most border and Rough River travelling thru the middle of the county. The Ohio County Trail Town Taskforce is currently promoting outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, ATV, horseback riding, kayaking, and canoeing, to increase both recreational and tourism opportunities. Ohio County Extension is aggressively partnering with the Ohio County Chamber of Commerce, OC Trail Town Taskforce and other community organizations to enhance the economic situation in our communities.

Long-Term Outcomes:

•Youth/adults will utilize the skills gained through education and involvement in Extension entrepreneurial programs to contribute to their communities by starting a local business or improve marketing strategies of existing businesses

•Agriculture diversification and agri-tourism increases contribution to the local economic viability of local communities and county

•Recreational and tourism opportunities contribute to the improved health and economic capability of the local citizens, communities and county

•Development of new businesses/ activities related to trail town

Intermediate Outcomes:

•Youth/ adults practice entrepreneurial skills to promote local products/ services

•Unique agri-tourism and recreational opportunities of the county are supported by communities and the county

•Identify and provide technical and market development support for start-up venues

•Utilize existing trails and develop new access points on the river for water sports

Initial Outcomes:

•Youth will gain entrepreneurial skills that will allow them to market products/ services at the local Farmer’s Market/ other venues

•Local citizens become aware of the potential for Agriculture diversification and Agri-tourism development and the impact it can have on their community

•Increase awareness of recreational trails and events held

•Increase appreciation of the Trial Town Taskforce efforts and goals

•Promote existing trails and events

*Youth will understand the importance of professional etiquette and communication skills

*Change in perception about moving into careers out of high school

*Youth exhibit professional etiquette standards and enhance decision making an problem solving. 


Evaluation for OC Healthy

Outcome: Decrease the percentage of people with pre-diabetes  

Indicator: Pre & Post A1C levels of participants

Method: Track A1C levels, Food Log, Physical Fitness & Weight of participants 

Timeline: Year-round

Evaluation for 4-H Teen Leadership Academy

Outcome: Career Ready - Gainful employment in rewarding career

Indicator:  Completion/Graduation of Academy

Method:  Partnerships to enhance existing initiatives around college and career readiness, KY 4-H Achievement Program resume contest, 4-H Communications program, 4-H Teen Conference, 4-H Workforce and Career Readiness Training

Evaluation of Beaver Dam Farmer's Market & On-farm Roadside Markets

Outcome: Increased sales by vendors at Farmer's Market

Indicator: Sales at weekly Farmer's Market

Method: Survey of weekly sales at Farmer's Market

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: 4-H Youth Teen Leaders

Project or Activity: Teen Leadership Academy

Content or Curriculum: Partnerships to enhance existing initiatives around college and career readiness, KY 4-H Achievement Program resume contest, 4-H Communications program, 4-H Teen Conference, 4-H Workforce and Career Readiness Training

Inputs: Youth, Extension Staff, Youth Volunteers, Community Leaders

Date: Fall 2024-Spring 2025

Audience: 4-H youth and 4-H Teen Leaders

Project or Activity: Youth Leadership Camp

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Challenge Camp Program

Inputs: Youth, Extension Staff, Youth Volunteers 

Date: Fall 2024

Audience:  4-H Teen Club

Project or Activity: Youth Entrepreneurship

Content or Curriculum: Be the Entrepreneur

Inputs: Youth, Extension Staff, Community Leaders

Date: Year-round

Audience: Perdue Associates and General Public/ Families

Project or Activity: OC Heathy

Content or Curriculum: Diabetes Prevention Program/ Plate-It-Up

Inputs: Extension Staff, Perdue, OC Monitor, OC Health Coalition, Farmer’s Market, FWC, Trail Town, Green River District Health Dept., Ohio County Hospital, 

Date: Year-round

Audience: General Public

Project or Activity: Recipes/ Samples at Farmers Market

Content or Curriculum: Ky Proud & Plate It Up Recipes

Inputs: Ag Agent & FCS Agent

Date: Market season 2024-2025

Audience: General Public

Project: Children's Farmer's Market Day

Content or Curriculum: Various programs on Children's Farmers Market Day to encourage eating more fruits & vegetables

Inputs: Extension Agents, 4-H Members, Ohio County Homemakers, Community Non-Profits, O.C Hospital

Date: Summer 2024/2025 

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