Basic Life Skills
Acquiring Basic Life Skills
Alex Kelly
Communications & Expressive Arts
Active Living and Health Promotions General
To be resourceful and responsible citizens of the community it is vital to acquire basic life skills. The county extension offices can play a critical role in teaching adults and youth the basic life skills they need for success. Through the efforts of extension agents, program assistants, and volunteers local citizens of the community are engaged, educated, and empowered to understand the soft and hard life skills of everyday living.
Muhlenberg County's youth and adults strengthen their abilities to be resourceful citizens and live healthy lifestyles.
Youth and adults gain life skills by participating in club functions and programs involving finance, cooking, sewing, and personal growth.
Participants increase knowledge in the acquisition of life skills and personal resourcefulness.
Initial Outcome: Personal Independence and Resourcefulness. Youth learn how to evaluate financial needs.
Indicator: Participation in extension programs and projects
Method: one-to-one evaluations, or post and pre evaluations
Timeline: year round
Intermediate Outcome:
Long-term Outcome:
Audience: Adults & Youth
Project or Activity: Basic Sewing Class
Content or Curriculum: Family and Consumer Science Core Curriculum, 4-H Sewing Curriculum
Inputs: Local Volunteers, 4-H Agent
Date: Annually
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Cooking Club: 4-H Foodies and Teen Cuisine
Content or Curriculum: Family and Consumer Science Core Curriculum, Health Core Curriculum
Inputs: 4-H Agent, 4-H program assistant, SNAP-Ed assistant
Date: Fall and Spring
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: #Adulting
Content or Curriculum: Family and Consumer Science Core Curriculum
Inputs: ANR Agent,4-H Agent, 4-H program assistant, Extension Specialist, SNAP-Ed Assistant
Date: Spring 2021 or Spring 2022
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Author: Mackenzie Pogue
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Youth actively participated in Your Guide to the Four H’s learning essential life skills to aid in their personal growth. Lessons included grilling on a griddle, gas, and charcoal grills. Food and knife safety. Basic home budgeting and check writing. Understanding the difference between needs versus wants. The importance of staying physically fit, eating a balanced diet, and personal hygiene habits. The day concluded with home maintenance skills youth ca