Building Leadership for Community VitalityPlan of Work

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Lewis County CES

Building Leadership for Community Vitality
Agents Involved:
Kennedy Perkins, 4-H Agent, Christa O'Cull
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Master Clothing Volunteer
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)

Basic leadership knowledge and skills are essential for success in almost any field.  The skills associated with leadership are necessary when working in a group or communicating with others.  The Cooperative Extension Service provides opportunities for youth and adults to improve their leadership ability and create a positive impact on their future.  Leadership is a needed and important programming emphasis in Kentucky and in Lewis County.  By improving the leadership skills in today's adults and youth we improve their ability to face the challenges of tomorrow.

Long-Term Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:


Initial Outcome:  Members of each council learn how council systems operate

Indicator:  Agents observe that council member are following training given

Method:  Officers and members follow training guidelines and Robert's Rules of Order

Timeline:  Summer 2025

Initial Outcome:  Homemakers will serve as club leaders and learn leadership skills

Indicator:  Clubs have office positions filled and it is observed that they are effective club leaders

Method:  Reports filed by club 

Timeline:  May 2025

Initial Outcome:  Master Clothing Volunteers learn skills 

Indicator:  Volunteers receive Master Clothing Volunteer certification

Method:  Master Clothing certification

Timeline:  Spring 2025

Initial Outcome: Youth learn leadership skills and can conduct club meetings

Indicator: Youth can conduct club meetings without help

Method:  Observation of Program assistant that youth can conduct meeting

Timeline: Winter 2025

Intermediate Outcome:  All Extension Councils and clubs are using Robert's Rules of Order

Indicator: Meetings are conducted using Robert's Rules

Method: Leaders report they are using Robert's Rules when asked 

Timeline:  Winter 2025

Intermediate Outcome:  Master Clothing Volunteers teach youth how to sew

Indicator:  Classes are held

Method: Completion of final projects from youth

Timeline:  Summer 2024

Intermediate Outcome:  Homemakers will serve as leaders at the area KEHA level

Indicator: Homemakers will serve as officers and committee chairs

Method: Self reporting and KEHA positions are filled with Lewis County members

Timeline:  Fall 2024-Spring 2025

Intermediate Outcome:  As more senior members leadership terms expire, younger members step up to fill leadership roles

Indicator: New members on councils 

Method: Observation

Timeline:  Fall 2025

Intermediate Outcome:  Youth participate in community based service projects

Indicator: Community based service projects are performed by Lewis County youth

Method: Reports from members and community members about service projects completed

Timeline:  Spring 2025

Intermediate Outcome:  Youth give a speech during class using techniques taught 

Indicator:  A score of red or blue by most participants on their score sheet

Method: Speech or Demonstration score sheet

Timeline:  Winter and Spring 2025

Intermediate Outcome: Youth use leadership, teamwork and communication skills in their day to day life.

Indicator: Youth report they use skills in day to day life.

Method: Questionnaire

Timeline: Spring 2025

Long-term Outcome:  Council meetings are run efficiently and effectively with members wanting to serve at the state level

Indicator:  Members are engaged using skills taught, providing relative input and following the agenda 

Method:  Observation

Timeline:  Spring 2025

Long-term Outcome:  Members of Extension organizations start serving more in leadership roles in other community groups

Indicator:  Extension members serve in leadership roles for other organizations

Method: Self reporting

Timeline:  Spring 2025

Long-term Outcome:  Youth will use leadership skills in the work place, school, and daily life.

Indicator:  Teens will use leadership skills to help conduct programs for youth

Method:  Survey

Timeline:  Spring 2025

Long-term Outcome:  County leaders serve in leadership roles in Extension beyond the county

Indicator:  Adults and teens serve on regional and state councils

Method: Observation

Timeline: Spring 2025

Learning Opportunities:

Audience:  Lewis County Council members, 4-H, Agriculture, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Extension Council

Project or Activity:  Council's Trainings

Content or Curriculum:  Resources and Power Points developed for Extension Councils trainings

Inputs:  Facilities, Presentation Equipment, Educational Resources, Agents time

Date:  Spring 2025

Audience:  Master Clothing Volunteers

Project or Activity:  Master Clothing Trainings

Content or Curriculum:  UK Master Clothing Volunteer Curriculum

Inputs:  Educational resources, program administration, volunteer support, agents time, and specialist time

Date:  Fall 24

Audience:  Lewis County Homemakers

Project or Activity:  Homemaker Leadership trainings and community projects

Content or Curriculum:  KEHA Curriculum

Inputs:  Educational materials, agent time, volunteer time

Date:  Winter 2025

Audience:  Lewis County elementary and middle school students

Project or Activity:  Speech and Demonstration

Content or Curriculum:  4-H Speech and Demonstration Curriculum

Inputs: Educational materials, agent time, teachers from Middle School, Volunteers

Date:  Winter 2025-Spring 2025

Audience:  Lewis County Teen Leadership Clubs

Project or Activity: Leadership Lewis County and Licking River Teen Leadership Academy

Content or Curriculum:  4-H Core leadership curriculum

Inputs:  Curriculum, office van, agent time, volunteers, Lewis County High School, Family Resource Center

Date:  Fall 2024-Spring 2025

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