2024 2025 Financial Education, Developing Human Capital, Real Skills for Everyday LifePlan of Work

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Kenton County CES

2024 2025 Financial Education, Developing Human Capital, Real Skills for Everyday Life
Life Skills and Consumer Awareness 2024 2025
Agents Involved:
Dan Allen, Joan Bowling, Diane Kelley, Lori Clark, Denise Donahue, Brandon George, Anna Meyers
Financial Education - General
Master Clothing Volunteer
Family and Consumer Science
Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development

Kenton County has a population of 167,053 citizens,13% of the population lives in poverty with a 3 % unemployment rate (2019 data). The United States has been in an extremely long period of economic expansion; however, the recent pandemic has caused an economic downturn, creating the possibility of a recession. Securing financial stability for Kentuckians will help families thrive no matter the economic outlook. Financial stability is achieved when families are able to secure and manage resources needed to supply food, clothing, and shelter. Through increased financial knowledge, families may be able to make wise financial decisions, increase buying power, avoid overextended credit, develop savings habits, and manage risks. The recent Community Assessment and feedback from the County Extension Council indicated there was a need for more training in life skills for youth and families in money management, reducing debt, increasing savings, financial planning, and career readiness.

Long-Term Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:

Outcome: Increase awareness of sound financial behaviors 

Indicator(s): Number of individuals who implemented at least one strategy to reduce expenses or manage money Number of individuals who made a sound financial decision (regarding credit, budgeting, savings, and/or debt) 

Method: Pre-post test, Verbal Feedback, phone calls, emails

Timeline: Following the workshops

Outcome: Increase knowledge and skills related to managing financial resources 

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: confidence in handling money issues or specific financial matters 

Method: Pre-post tests, Testimonials, phone calls

Timeline: two months after workshops 

Outcome: Increase knowledge and skills related to estate planning 

Indicator: Number of individuals who took action toward implementing at least one estate planning strategy.

Method: Written evaluation, verbal Feedback, emails.

Timeline: One month after the workshop.

Outcome: Increase knowledge and skills to improve employability. 

Indicator: Increase number of responses to job inquiries, long-term employability
Method: Surveys, phone calls, success stories
Timeline: 3 to 6 months after class then a year follow-up

Learning Opportunities:


Audience: Adults, teens unemployed individuals, limited-resource individuals, parolees

Project or Activity: Positive Employability 

Content or Curriculum: KY CES Resources

Input: FCS Agents, Community Partners (Unemployment Office), Guidance Counselors, Life Learning Center
Date: April 2025

 Audience: Adults, young adults, and teens
 Project or Activity: Financial Education                                                                                                                                                           

 Content or Curriculum: Real Skills for Everyday Life
 Input: FCS Agents, Community Partners (High Schools)
 Date: October 2024

 Audience:  Elementary School Youth 

Project or Activity:  4-H Consumer Education
 Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H curriculum
 Inputs: UK curriculum, agent, 4-H assistants

Date: September 2024-May 2025


 Audience:  Elementary School Youth
 Project or Activity:  After-school Sewing

Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H curriculum

Inputs: UK curriculum, agent, 4-H assistants

Date: September 2024-May 2025


Audience:  Kenton County Youth

Project or Activity:  Junior /Senior Sewing/ Quilting

Content or Curriculum:  KY 4-H curriculum

Inputs:  Agent, volunteers, program funds, families purchase supplies

Date:  September 2024 – May 2025

Project or Activity: Beginning Sewing for Adults series

Content or Curriculum: FCS Agent and Master Clothing Volunteer designed
Inputs: Master Clothing Volunteer Curriculum, FCS designed
Date: Fall 2024, Spring 2025

 Project or Activity: Adult Sewing Project Group
 Content or Curriculum: FCS agent and Master Clothing Volunteer designed
 Inputs: UK Clothing publications
 Date: Monthly, beginning September 2024

 Activity: County Ham Speeches
 Content or Curriculum: 4-H County Ham
 Inputs: 4-H School Club programs; Volunteer leaders and community leaders as judges, guest speakers; UK Inputs
 Date: August 2025

Activity:  Homesteading Basics Series

Content or Curriculum:  UK Specialists and publications

Inputs:  Local Agents

Date:  Fall 2024

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