Crop and Livestock ProductionPlan of Work

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Lewis County CES

Crop and Livestock Production
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agents Involved:
Kennedy Perkins, 4-H Agent, Christa O'Cull
Food Preparation and Preservation

Lewis County is home to 676 farms operating on 117,955 acres with the average farm size being 174 acres. The County Extension Council and the Agriculture Advisory Committee identified crop and livestock production as major components of Lewis County agriculture production. To increase profits it is important for farms to be efficient and increase yield as well as diversify. Youth need to recognize the impact that agriculture has on our daily lives as well as agriculture in the commonwealth.  It is also important that farm families are able to save money and add value to their products and utilize food preservation techniques that allow them to do that.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:

Initial Outcome:

Indicator: Knowledge and skills will be gained in the area of food production.

Method: Self Reporting and Project books

Timeline: Fall 2024 to Fall 2025

Initial Outcome: Producers will increase knowledge on herd management, animal handling and welfare, and early recognition of calving problems and corrective measures.

Indicator: Farmers will become BQCA certified

Method: BQCA test

Timeline:  Fall 2024- Spring 2054

Initial Outcome:

Indicator: Youth will turn in record books and be able to offer reasons during showmanship.

Method: Observation

Timeline: Fall 2024-2025

Initial Outcome:

Indicator: Lewis Countians learn to safely preserve fresh, local food products.

Method:  Observation

Timeline:  Spring 2025

Initial Outcome:

Indicator:  Lewis County Cattleman participant will learn herd health, nutrition, and facilities management.

Method: Survey

Timeline: Fall 2024

Initial Outcome:

Indicator:  6th Graders will learn about the role of agriculture during Youth Field Day.

Method: Self reported through survey

Timeline: Fall 2024

Intermediate Outcome:

Indicator:  There are fewer disqualified preserved items at the county fair due to improper techniques used.

Method: County fair entry data

Timeline: Summers

Long-term Outcome:

Indicator: Profits are sustained or increased during tough economic times.

Method: Agent interviews and number of farms are maintained in the county.

Timeline: Winter 2025

Long-term Outcome:

Indicator:  Profits are obtained by selling canned goods at the Farmers Market and other eligible venues.

Method:  Self reporting and observation

Timeline:  Seasonally

Long-term Outcome:  Farmers implement new technologies.

Indicator: Farmers adopt the usage of new technologies and fertility management recommendations.

Method:  Testimonials and Observation 

Timeline: Summer 2024- Fall 2025

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Women Farm Managers

Project or Activity: Farm School for Women

Content or Curriculum: UK Extension Curriculum and USDA

Inputs: Ag. Agent time, USDA office time, local farm businesses

Date: Fall 2024

Audience: Youth Livestock participants

Project or Activity: Livestock Projects, feeder calf, hogs, lambs, and goats

Content or Curriculum: 4-H approved core curriculum for livestock

Inputs: 4-H curriculum, club leader volunteer, volunteer time, 4-H agent time, program assistant time, ag. agent time.

Date: Summer 2024-Summer 2025

Audience: Lewis County 6th graders

Project or Activity: Farm to Plate youth field day

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Livestock Kit and curriculum

Inputs: 4-H Agent time, Ag. Agent time, FCS Agent time, Program Assistant Time, Lewis County Farm Bureau, Greenup County Farm Bureau, RIP's Farm Center, Lewis County FFA, Local farmers, Livestock project participants.


Audience:  Lewis County Citizens

Project or Activity:  Food Preservation workshop and Micro-processing workshop

Content or Curriculum:  Extension Food Preservation curriculum

Inputs:  FCS Agent time, UK Specialist, Preservation equipment and supplies, UK curriculum, Ag Agent time

Date: Yearly

Audience:  Lewis County Farmers

Project or Activity:  County Field Day

Content or Curriculum: UK current research on Agriculture production

Inputs: Extension Agents, UK specialist, Local Farm, Advisory Councils, UK curriculum, RIP's Farm Center, Rose Farm Supply, Southern States Cooperative, Ag Pro Supply, WW Industries

Date: Fall 2024

Audience:  Lewis County Beef Producers

Project or Activity:  Buffalo Trace Beef Management Series

Content or Curriculum:  UK current research on beef production

Inputs:  UK Specialist and Ag. Agent

Date:  Yearly in the fall

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