Science, Engineering and Technology becoming meaningful in the lives of YouthPlan of Work

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Leslie County CES

Science, Engineering and Technology becoming meaningful in the lives of Youth
Engaging Youth in Science
Agents Involved:
Dawna Jace Peters, Vicki Boggs, Michelle Brock
Science, Engineering, and Technology
Nutrition and Food Systems General

According to the Council on Postsecondary Education, jobs in science, engineering, and technology are essential for the economic prosperity of Kentucky’s citizens and communities. These disciplines fuel innovation, per capita income, and the creation of 21st century jobs. Despite these benefits, Kentucky continues to perform poorly when compared with other states. Kentucky is sixth-least educated state and ranks 47th overall in percentage of residents who have a bachelor degree. When it comes to scientists they also rank 47th and engineers rank at 41st in the number of science and engineering occupations. With demand for scientists accelerating and student interest in these fields dwindling, action must be taken to ensure both our state and our nation remain competitive in research, innovation, and technology.  Introducing youth to the explorations of science and technology at an early age will help build a basis for future scientific understanding and help build skills that will contribute to their learning and development. Also, youth who take an early interest in science and technology tend to develop careers in Science related fields. Leslie County Extension Advisory Councils support development of Science, Engineering and Technology for our youth across the county.

Long-Term Outcomes:

-An increased knowledge and interest in science, engineering, and technology among youth.

-Youth will explore related careers and enroll in courses to prepare them for these careers.

-Performance on state and national standardized tests in related subjects will increase.

-Design and carry out experiments in order to test scientific inquiry and drawing evidenced based conclusions that are data driven guiding informed decisions.

Intermediate Outcomes:

-Adopt and use new methods or improved technology in everyday life.

-Youth will partner with adults to identify and address issues using scientific inquiry.

-Youth will participate and/or compete in science, engineering, and technology related projects and programs.

-Youth will develop at-home, community or container gardens to increase access to affordable, nutritious foods for their family.

Initial Outcomes:

-Youth can identify the life cycle of various animals, including horses and chickens.

Youth can demonstrate using the scientific method and  increasing their knowledge of biotechnology, circuitry, rocketry, gardening and other SET fields.  

-Youth’s opinions, motivation and excitement toward science, engineering, and technology will positively change.


Long-term Outcome: Increase in science, engineering and technology among youth.

Indicator: Increase in number of individuals pursuing SET careers and enrolled in SET classes.

Method: Observation; Data analysis

Timeline: Ongoing

Intermediate Outcome: Science, engineering, and technology practices are adopted as part of everyday living.

Indicator: Increase  number of individuals adopting new practices and changing behaviors.

Method: Observation; Written and verbal evaluations; Individual reports

Timeline: July 2024 and 2025

Initial Outcome: Gaining knowledge, new opinions and aspirations in regards to science, engineering, and technology fields.

Indicator: Acquisition of knowledge, skills, opinions, and aspirations.

Method: Observation; Written and verbal evaluations; Individual reports

Timeline:  July 2024 and 2025

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Youth (Grades 6-8)

Project or Activity: 4-H Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences (NRESci) Academy

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Natural Resources Curriculum; 4-H SET Curriculum

Inputs: 4-H Agent; Program Assistant; Extension Specialists; Extension Volunteers

Date:  July 2024- 2025

Audience: Youth (Grades 4-6)

Project or Activity: 4-H Science Explorers Program

Content or Curriculum: 4-H SET Curriculum; National 4-H Youth Science Day program materials

Inputs: 4-H Agent; Program Assistant; Extension Specialists; Teacher/ School Volunteers

Date: September 2024-May 2025

Audience: Youth, Families and Community all ages, 4-H targeting (Grades 4-8)

Project or Activity:  Gardening Programs

Content or Curriculum: Approved Gardening Publications and Curriculums, 4-H Natural Resources Curriculum; Ag Resources; Junior Master Gardeners Curriculum, NEP Resources and Materials

Inputs: 4-H Agent; FCS Agent; ANR Agent;  Staff Assistant, School and Extension Volunteers

Date:  May-August 2024 and 2025

Audience: Youth (Grade 3)

Project or Activity: 4-H Chick Incubation Project

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Poultry Curriculum and related materials

Inputs: 4-H Agent; FCS Agent; ANR Agent; Extension Staff and Teacher/School Volunteers

Date: Spring 2025

Audience: Youth (Grades 3-12)  Families/ Adults

Project or Activity:  4-H Bee Club

Content or Curriculum:  4-H/ANR/UK  Approved  Curriculums, NEP Materials and Resources

Inputs: 4-H Agent; Program Assistant, Certified Volunteer, Parents; Community and Extension Volunteers, Extension Specialists and Specialists in the Field

Date:   July 2024 - 2025 (Year round)

Audience: Community, Families and Youth/ general public

Project or Activity: Leslie County Beekeepers

Content or Curriculum: UK Pubs

Inputs: ANR Agent, Program Assistant, Volunteers, Community

Date: July 2024- June 2025 Monthly on going meetings

Audience: Community and general public, youth, families

Project or Activity: Tree grafting

Content or Curriculum: UK Pubs

Inputs: ANR Agent, Program Assistant, Volunteers

Date: Spring 2024 and 2025

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