Advance Adult & Youth Life Skills PreparationPlan of Work

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Grayson County CES

Advance Adult & Youth Life Skills Preparation
Growing Grayson County through Rural, Youth, and Community Development
Agents Involved:
Ewing Jones, K.; Taul, N.; Carman, W
Communications & Expressive Arts
Workforce Preparation - FCS
Financial Education - General

The Kentucky Extension Community Assessment Statewide Report 2019 indicates that money management for families and youth and employee “soft/essential skills” training continue to be important issues statewide. Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation, and Sanford Research Center indicates 85% of job success comes from having well developed soft and people skills, and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge (hard skills). Employers are often prepared to teach technical job skills; however, the intangible skills of being a team player, time management, and positive attitude are difficult to teach on-site but critical to success. 

Additionally, creating more financial education opportunities will prepare Kentuckians and the people of Grayson County for the inevitable ebb and flow of the economy, helping them to be financially stable and prepared for the unexpected. 

Long-Term Outcomes:

Improved problem solving and financial capabilities for Kentuckians results in a better quality of life and stronger families.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Improve employability through practical living skills and continued education practices.

Initial Outcomes:

Change KOSA to improve employability through work and practical living skills and continuing education practices.


Initial Outcome: Goal of youth aspiring to further their education after high school

Indicator: Youth will plan for post-secondary education (college or vocational school)

Method: In classroom prep and evaluation of Reality Store (Middle School participants).

Timeline: School year

Intermediate Outcome: Improved workforce communication

Indicator: Number of individuals who reported the intent to utilize etiquette practices to improve verbal, written, and electronic communication practices.

Method: Pre/Post Evaluation

Timeline: following program implementation and 3 -6 month follow up surveys

Intermediate Outcome: Increase knowledge and skills related to managing financial resources.

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: confidence in handling money issues or specific financial matters. 

Method: Retroactive pre-post

Timeline: Following financial education workshops

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: All Grayson County Middle School students

Project or Activity: Reality Store

Content or Curriculum: Financial management, education and career goals, value of education

Inputs: Curriculum for youth involved in program, Reality Store will be held at the Grayson County Middle School and will be coordinated by Grayson County 4-H Agent, assisted by GCMS Life Skills teacher; each 9 weeks will be a new session in the classroom to reach all 7th or 8th graders through the year; time frame for each session will be correlated with the Financial lesson for the Life Skills class.

Date: Each 9 Weeks of the school year (4 sessions)

Audience: Working-age adults and young adults preparing for the workforce

Project or Activity: 10 Soft Skills for Success, Networking for Success, Conveying Your Message

Content or Curriculum: Positive Employability

Inputs: FCS Agent, curriculum publications and resources, local employers, community leaders, chamber of commerce

Date: Spring and Fall 2022-2024

Audience: Adults, Young Adults, and Teens

Project or Activity: Workshops and educational sessions

Content or Curriculum: Money Habitudes, Good Credit Game, Real Skills for Everyday Life

Inputs: FCS Agent, CES curriculum publications and resources, schools, local banks

Date: Ongoing projects yearly

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