Agriculture and Natural Resource Education - Equine EducationPlan of Work

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Campbell County CES

Agriculture and Natural Resource Education - Equine Education
Agriculture and Natural Resources Education
Agents Involved:
Community Engagement

The Northern KY Horse Network continues to be a strong adult leader led organization with approximately 400 members. Based on surveys and input from NKHN members and directors, there continues to be a need for equine educational programs in the areas of nutrition/health, forages, housing, riding/showing, training and general horsemanship.  There is also an increased need for equine recreational activities (trail rides and shows), field days and clinics to address the needs of the average horse owner. 

Long-Term Outcomes:

Horse owners will implement sound equine management practices that will improve the health and well-being of their horse(s). Horse owners will help develop and participate in educational programs, clinics, trail rides, horse shows and will host trail rides and shows in the Northern KY Area. NKHN will have a strong core group of leaders and volunteers that will develop, implement, and evaluate the programs and activities of the NKHN. 

Intermediate Outcomes:

Horse owners will begin to implement equine nutrition and health, forages, housing, riding/showing, training and general horsemanship practices that will improve their horse(s)’ health. Horse owners will develop additional recreational opportunities such as trail rides and horse shows. 

Initial Outcomes:

Horse owners will gain knowledge in the areas of nutrition/health, forages, housing, riding/showing, training and general horsemanship. Horse owners will become aware of the equine recreational activities that exist in their area and get involved in supporting these activities and planning other events. 


Long-term Outcome: Horse owners will implement equine best management practices. NKHN will utilize a strong leadership and volunteer group to host annual educational programs, recreational activities, and clinics to address issues and opportunities identified by NKHN members. 

Indicator: Number of new programs offered. Number of horse owners’ participants in NKHN programs and activities. Number of horse owners who indicate that they have made changes in their equine management practices.    
 Method: Registration sheets, program evaluations/surveys, observations, testimonials

Timeline: July 2020 – to June -2025 

Intermediate Outcome: Horse owners will begin to implement equine management practices to support the health needs of their horses. NKHN leaders and volunteers will develop additional educational and recreational activities to support horse owners.  
Indicator: Number of educational programs and recreational opportunities being developed and implemented. Number of horse owners participating in program activities and implementing equine management recommendations.   
Method: Observations, participant numbers, program surveys 
Timeline: July 2020 - June 2025

Initial Outcome: Horse owners become aware of equine management practices and recreational opportunities. 
Indicator: Attendance in equine educational programs 
Method: program surveys, observations 
Timeline: July 2020 – June 2025

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Tri-State Horse Owners and 4-H Youth

Project or Activity: NKY Horsemen Helping Horsemen Clinic

Content or Curriculum: Hoof Care, Nutrition Program (forages, concentrates and supplements)  

Inputs: UK Specialists, Agents, Guest speakers, NKHN Volunteers, 

Date: November 2024, 2025


Audience: Horse Owners, NKHN Directors and Events Committee Meetings
 Activity: Equine Program Planning/Events Committee
 Content or Curriculum: Program Planning for the year

Inputs: Agent, NKHN members, Events Committee 
Date: October 2020-2025


Audience: Horse Owners and General Public

Project or Activity: All Breeds Horse Show

Content or Curriculum: NKHN Sponsored Horse Show

Inputs: NKHN Leaders, Alexandria Fairgrounds, Volunteers

Date: August 2020-2025


Audience: Horse Owners
 Project or Activity: Equine Essentials Series 

Content or Curriculum: Equine Pasture and Business Management 

Inputs: UK specialists, agents, UK publications, Industry speciliasts
 Date: May – August 2024


Audience: Horse Owners

Activity: Horse Health Day

Content or Curriculum: Local Equine Veterinarian, NKHN Leaders, Horse Owners, Agent

Date: May 2020-2025

Audience: Horse Owners
Project or Activity: A. J. Jolly Fall Trail Ride
Content or Curriculum: Trail Ride and Meal 
Inputs: NKHN Board of Directors, Trail Committee, Agent
Date:  September 2020-2025 

Audience: NKHN Directors

Project or Activity: NKHN Board Retreat 
Content or Curriculum: Leadership Development 
Inputs: Agents and Board members
Date: February 2020-2025


Audience: NKHN members 
Project or Activity: NKHN Annual Meeting 
Content or Curriculum: Business meeting and educational program 
Inputs: Directors, Equine guest speakers, agents, NKHN members and volunteers 
Date: January 2020-2025

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