Agriculture and Natural Resource Education - Agriculture AwarenessPlan of Work

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Campbell County CES

Agriculture and Natural Resource Education - Agriculture Awareness
Agriculture and Natural Resources Education
Agents Involved:
Michelle Simon
Local Food Systems
Agritourism Planning
Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Agriculture leadership groups such as County Extension Council, Community Assessment Forums, Campbell County Agriculture Council, and the Campbell County Farmland Work group, Campbell County Cattle Association identified the need to raise the awareness of the general public about the importance of agriculture and locally-produced foods. These same groups also suggested that Extension continue to work with youth and young adults who wish to learn more about careers in agriculture and/or to support these individuals who are interested in starting a new agriculture career/enterprise. By doing these things, the sustainability of agriculture in Campbell County will be well-maintained for the future. 

Long-Term Outcomes:

The general public will support local farmers by participating in agriculture business activities such as farmers markets, freezer beef program and other direct market programs.  New markets will provide consumers an opportunity to purchase locally produced foods. New, young and existing farmers will become sustainable as they develop new farming enterprises and businesses. 

Intermediate Outcomes:

The general public will begin to utilize locally-grown food products resulting in improved revenue and markets for farmers.  Youth/Young adults will graduate from secondary agriculture education programs in preparation for agriculture careers. Youth/young adults/beginning farmers will develop a farm plan that will include the development, management, and marketing of new farming enterprises.

Initial Outcomes:

The general public (adults and youth) will learn about the importance of agriculture and markets for purchasing locally-produced foods. Youth will participate in high school and post high school educational programs to prepare themselves for future agriculture careers. Beginning farmers will learn about the opportunities and challenges of establishing a new farming enterprise. This will include production and marketing decisions. 


Initial Outcome: Adults and youth will learn about the importance of agriculture and where to source locally-produced foods.  Youth will learn more about agriculture careers. 

Indicator: Number of adults and youth participating in educational programs and activities focusing on agriculture, locally-produced food, and agriculture careers.  

Method: surveys, participant numbers and feedback  

Timeline:  After educational programs and activities 


Intermediate Outcome: Increase participation by the general public in local agriculture markets and purchasing locally-produced foods.  Increase number of youths involved in agriculture education programs beyond the school.  New or existing farmers will implement plans to develop new farming enterprises. 

Indicator: Increase participation in local agriculture markets by the general public.   Number of youth and adults participating in agriculture and natural resources programs.   

Method:  Surveys, public and producer feedback, market observations, new markets   

Timeline: After educational programs and activities.


Long-term Outcome: Continued increase in participation in agriculture and natural resources awareness programs and activities.  This will lead to more productive and profitable Campbell County farming operations both existing and new. Youth and new farmers will gain “on farm” experiences with production agriculture. 

Indicator: Number of adults/youths participating in extension sponsored programs. Producers will indicate increased revenue from sales. 

Method: post surveys, farm visits, economic records 

Timeline: 2020-2025


Learning Opportunities:

Audience: General Public

Activity: Locally-Produced Foods 

Content or Curriculum: Agents, Farmers

Date: April 2025


Audience: General Public and Beef Farmers 

Activity:  Campbell County Cattle Association Educating Consumers

Content or Curriculum:  Beef Production 

Date: October 2025


Audience: Middle and High School Students 

Activity:  Career Fairs (agriculture and horticulture careers) 

Content or Curriculum:   UK Ag and horticulture career information, UK Ag ambassadors, agents

Date: April 2025 and as requested


Audience: Newport High School Students  

Project or Activity: Agriculture and Horticulture Club  

Content or Curriculum: Livestock and Food Crop Awareness 

Inputs:  Agents and Farm Tours/Host Farmers 

Date: September - November 2024 


Audience: General Public

Activity: Campbell County Backroads Farm Tour

Content or Curriculum: 12-15 Campbell County Farming Operations, (Agriculture Awareness Program)

Date: July 2024, 2025


Audience: SNAP Families

Project or Activity: Hunters for the Hungry Deer Donation  

Content or Curriculum:  How to safely prepare wild game for consumption

Inputs: Care Mission Organization, Agent  

Date:  November 2024, 2025


Audience: General Public   

Project or Activity: Agriculture Awareness using Traditional and Social Media  

Content or Curriculum:   Agriculture Awareness, Program Promotion 

Inputs: Facebook, Campbell County Extension Newsletter, Campbell County Recorder, Southern States Ag Display   

Date: July 2020– June 2025


Audience: Beginning Farmers 

Activity: Beginning Farmer Program 

Content or Curriculum:  Program for beginning farmers with less than 5 years of experience

Inputs: Agent, Campbell County Extension Service and Conservation District 

Date: July 2020 to June 2025


Audience: Youth - 9 to 18 years old 

Activity: Youth in Agriculture Program 

Content or Curriculum:  Agriculture programs for Youth 

Inputs: Agent, Extension Service, Conservation District 

Date: July 2020 to May 2025


Audience: FFA Students and Host Farmers

Activity: FFA/ Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE)

Content or Curriculum: SAE Program

Inputs: FFA Advisors, Farmland Workgroup, Farmers, FFA/Agriculture Students, Conservation District, Agent,

Date: July 2020 to June 2025


Audience: 5th grade students

Activity: Grow It, Eat It, Wear It

Content or Curriculum: Agriculture awareness program

Inputs: Agents, Program Assistants and Volunteers

Date: September 2024, 2025


Audience: General Public

Activity: Ag Complex

Content or Curriculum: Agriculture awareness program

Inputs: Agents, Program Assistants and Volunteers

Date: Year-Round 2024, 2025

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