Teaching Sound Environmental PracticesPlan of Work

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Butler County CES

Teaching Sound Environmental Practices
Improving Natural Resources
Agents Involved:
Drake, Saylor
Active Living and Health Promotions General
Chemical Management
Integrated Pest Management

Natural Resource conservation is crucial for a community to be sustainable. Butler County’s natural resources include fertile farmland, hardwood timber, beautiful rural landscape, and miles of streams and rivers. Youth of today will become the stewards of our environment in 20 years. County leadership has identified clean water, forestry, and proper chemical use and safety as priorities.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Butler County’s environment will be managed properly. People will value the environment and understand its importance for the growth of our community.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Clients adopt practices that conserve natural resources. Clients manage property in an environmentally friendly manner. Community puts value on resource conservation.

Initial Outcomes:

Clients learn to improve management practices for their forests. Pesticide applicators are trained. Homeowners learn to safely use pesticides.


Initial Outcome: Community values resource conservation

Indicator: Conservation District adequately funded

Method: Monitor funding levels in county budget

Timeline: July – one each year

Intermediate Outcome: Pesticide applicators are trained

Indicator: Number of applicators trained each year

Method: Tabulate numbers from PAT classes and SOKY Pesticide

Timeline: March 2025 and December 2025

Long-Term Outcome: Clients manage resources properly

Indicator: Number of clients adopting improved forestry practices

Method: Follow up

Timeline: June 2025

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Pesticide Applicators

Project or Activity: Private Applicator training

Content or Curriculum: Training materials from UK Entomology

Inputs: Agent time, Extension facility

Date: February and March 2025

Audience: Pesticide Applicators

Project or Activity: SOKY Pesticide for Commercial Applicators

Content or Curriculum: Pesticide Management and Safety

Inputs: UK specialist time, industry professional presenters time

Date: November 2024

Audience: Adults and Youth

Project or Activity: 4-H, Shooting Sports, Hunter Education

Content or Curriculum: 4-H curriculum, 4-H Shooting Sports, Hunter Education

Inputs: Agent time, volunteer time

Date: March – September 2024

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