Financial and Career Preparedness- NEWPlan of Work

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Pulaski County CES

Financial and Career Preparedness- NEW
Financial and Career Preparedness
Agents Involved:
Adkins, Wilson, Spurgeon, Lovett, Roy
Science, Engineering, and Technology
Financial Education - General
Family and Consumer Science


According to the 2019 Community Assessment, respondents expressed a great deal of concern for financial and career preparedness.  Respondents indicated the following concerns/needs: 

The Kentucky Extension Community Assessment Statewide report 2019 indicates that money management for family and youth and employee training continue to be important issues statewide.  Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Center indicates 85% of job success comes from having well developed soft and people skills, and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge.  Employees are often prepared to teach technical job skills, however, the intangible skills of being a team player, time management, and positive attitude are difficult to teach on sight but critical to success. 


As we progress in to the 21st century a number of factors have gained prevalence within Family and Consumer Science driven by the increase of online and mobile shopping, the rise of video based at home tutorials, and the shifting family structures as evident by 17% of stay-at-home parents being fathers. The ever changing landscape of the family and the consumer highlights the need for a responsive and innovative FCS program while also providing the basic needs that all families have as they navigate lives many challenges. Kentucky 4-H Seeks to meet these needs through working with youth and families in a variety of situations to increase their consumer awareness, financial management, nutrition, culinary arts, textiles, housing, and human development.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Better family money management skills, such as reducing debt, increasing savings, and financial planning.  More effective employees and community leaders.  Improved financial capability for Kentuckians, results in better quality of life and stronger families.


• Be responsible and contributing individuals and family members

• Gain and maintain employment through life skill development

• Contribute to a safe and healthy home and community

Intermediate Outcomes:

Practice better employee soft/essential skills, such as communication,  networking, teamwork, time management, problem solving, etc.  Improve employability through practical living skills and continued education practices.


Initial Outcomes:

Change knowledge, opinions,  skills and aspirations to improve employability through work and practical skills and continuing education practices. 



Initial Outcome:Improved workforce communication

Indicator: Number of individuals who reported the intent to utilize etiquette practices to i mprove verbal, written, and electronic communication practices.

Method:  Pre and post test

Timeline:  On going

Intermediate Outcome:  Improved workplace listening skills

Indicator:  Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area how to itilize listening cues.

Method:  Pre and post evaluation

Timeline:  On going

Long-term Outcome:  Networking Skills

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of confidence.

Method: Pre and Post Evaluation

Timeline: On going


Outcome to be Evaluated

Indicator of Success for Outcome

Method of Evaluation


Learning Opportunities:

Audience:  Working age adults and young adults preparing for the workforce

Project or Activity:  10 Soft Skills for Success

Content or Curriculum:  Positive Employ ability

Inputs: FCS Agent, curriculum publications and resources, local employers and community leaders

Date: July 2024-June 2025

Audience:  Working Age adults and Young adults preparing for the workforce

Project or Activity: Conveying Your Message

Content or Curriculum:  Positive Employ ability

Inputs: FCS Agent, curriculum publications and resources, local employers and community leaders

Date: July 2024-June 2025

Audience: Working age adults and young adults preparing for the workforce

Project or Activity:  Networking for Success

Content or Curriculum: Positive Employ ability

Inputs: FCS Agent, curriculum publications and resources, local employers and community leaders

Date: July 2024-June 2025


Audience: Middle and High School Youth

Project or Activity: APES Program/ It’s Your Reality

Content or Curriculum: APES & It’s Your Reality curricula 

Inputs: agent, local businesses, high school and middle school teachers

Date: Fall or Spring (school year)

Audience: Middle and High School Youth

Project or Activity: Home Environment projects

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Home Environment Curriculum 

Inputs: 4-H and FCS Agent, master clothing volunteers, 4-H volunteers, FCS teachers

Success Stories

Estate Planning

Author: Edith Lovett

Major Program: Economic and Business Development - FCS

Describe the Issue or Situation. Al people need an Estate Plan no matter what their estate may include Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable).Provide the Number and Description(s) of Participants/Target Audience.Limited to 30 active clientsProvide a Statement of Outcomes or Program Impact. Please note that the outcomes statement must use evaluation data to describe the change(s) that occurred in individuals, groups, families, businesses, or in th

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